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Class, Status & Social Mobility Social Sciences Essay

Essay Instructions:

SOC 215 Class, Status & Social Mobility

This course studies the investigation of social differentiation, the influence of this differentiation upon behavior, and the study of social mobility patterns and the effects of this mobility.

Instructions for the project

This course assignment will define social differentiation. It will then apply this concept to a specific consumer with whom you worked. The concept of social differentiation will be applied the diagnosis, treatment, and follow services. The paper will compare this real consumer with a consumer with different social differentiation and project the impact of the services on the fictitious consumer.

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Class, Status, and Social Mobility
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Class, Status, and Social Mobility
Social differentiation distincts individuals as well as social groups based on factors such as biological as well as socio-economic differences. Such distinctions allocate an individual or group different roles as well as status within the society, resulting in inequality, stratification, ideologies alongside power differentials. There are different kinds of differentiations, namely, segmentary, functional, stratificatory, amongst others. Social differentiation always leads towards social stratification, for instance, the existing differences between males and females influence the nature of treatment accorded to them (Destin and Debrosse, 2017).
The Social society structure always provides for high levels of inequality that is transferrable from one generation to another. However, it is also characterized by social rift economically and culturally. Such rifts exist between different classes since individuals are born into their class. However, social mobility could easily create an opportunity that allows some people to attain a higher level class or, in some instances, fall much below their standards. The concept of stratification is based on such premises as power, which refers to one’s ability to impose authority on others, prestige that refers to the existing respect from others, and property, which is a form of wealth (Destin and Debrosse, 2017).
Application to the voter
In politics, it is eminent that the individual’s socio-economic status affects their political choices as well as the political party affiliation. In the United States, the choice of politics alongside affiliations are considered not to be neatly woven to social class. In this case, those with high-income levels tend to support policies that offer some level of protection to their wealth. For instance, paying low taxes alongside limited requirements in the payment to laborers. Such a nature of ideologies always makes the wealthy vote for the more conservative candidate capable of promoting such policies. On the contrary, the wealthy class tends to support less conservative social policies that include the right to abortion, same-sex marriage as well as immigration. However, the race associated with low income tends to champion social programs such as unemployment benefits and, in most cases, Medicaid. Such programs are associated with those considered to be more liberal despite those of low income being conservative on various social issues (Houle, 2019).
In the voting patterns, the low-income white Americans usually vote for conservative candidates. This is since they tend to provide business-friendly policies that oppose hefty tax levies. There are different kinds of influences that play a role in the decisions made within the political platform. For instance, their religious belief system influences, in a big way, the perspective towards abortion rights. The social issues considered important to low-income white voters ensure that there’s continuity in the racial hierarchies alongside various economic implications. The conservative group tends to be against any nature of affirmative actions that contain policies that promote the social and economic advancement of groups that have been marked as the victims of historical discrimination, for instance, the people of color. Further, conse...
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