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2 pages/≈550 words
Social Sciences
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2 page essay answering the following: Should government interfere with your choice to have children? Argue the philosophy.

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Ethics regarding parenthood and procreation mainly apply to both daily acts of decision making by parents and prospective procreators. However, they are, in addition, applicable to law, public policy, and medicine. A parent is an individual who has a heavy responsibility and right regarding children (Brake & Millum, 2013). They have the right and power to make decisions over most areas of the lives of their young one and the right to prevent others from making any decisions regarding their children and child bearing. The argument is that, as long as the parents have the ability to nourish, educate, and provide healthcare for their children, they can make decisions regarding their children and child bearing (Brake & Millum, 2013).
Liberal theorists in philosophy propose a liberal theory having two distinct positions on procreative autonomy. The "repro-libertarian" perspective postulates that, regulations on reproductive decisions and "Assisted Reproductive Technology" (ART) interference with the human right to procreate unless they are proven as harmful to others. According to Feinberg (1986) and Dworkin (1993), the values under repro-libertarian perspectives are grounded on the basis of individual equality and autonomy (Brake & Millum, 2013). According to Harris (1998), the thought is that interfering with procreation is an illiberal interference with persons and their choices. ART should be made available universally as long as it is safe to others and any restrictions constitute unequal treatment of those that cannot conceive via sexual intercourse (Brake & Millum, 2013).
In addition to this, John Locke in his Two Treatises of Government asserts a theory setting limits morally on the authority of rulers over their subjects. The moral basis of the limits is a doctrine of natural law and natural rights of a theological doctrine where God proclaims natural law to all human beings and ought to be accepted by all individuals including the authority. According to Locke, this is God’s command and the recipients of the commands are obligated to follow them. This doctrine of natural includes a doctrine of natural rights. For Locke, natural rights are binding because they are commanded by God and no authority has the right to interfere with such rights (Locke & Macpherson, 1980).
According to Locke, the natural rights are moral rights that each individual independently possesses in social arrangements. Therefore, while individuals might be in a society that does not accord them with their natural rights, they still possess these rights and they ought to be respected by all individuals and authorities. The law of nature endows individuals with to live the way one wants and to do whatever one wishes as long as they do not interfere with the lives of others. In addition, human beings have the right to preserve themselves and preservation in scientific terms includes procreation (Locke & Macpherson, 1980).
Therefore, while the government h...
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