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HLS 6010 DF5 Week 5: Case Studies of Organizational Learning in five Terrorist Groups

Essay Instructions:

How does the adaptability related in this article make terrorists more or less likely to be a threat?

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Adaptability of Terrorists
Institutional Affiliation
Adaptability of terrorists
Terrorism is the employment of violence and threats with the aim of achieving an ideological, religious or political objective. Presently, terrorism is a significant global threat to humanity. The act is thus illegal with regards to most jurisdictions of anti-terrorism by governments. Terrorism is further a war crime when it targets non-combatants, which is the case in most occurrences (Wallace, 2016). On most occasions, terrorist attacks are in urban centers where the groups find it easy to camouflage among the crowds. The rate of rural-urban migration is consistently increasing with most investors putting up mega-businesses and buildings which accommodate scores of people (Brian et. al., 2005). Massive migration to urban centers both for human and investments favors the evils and provides a hiding place for the groups.
Freedom is a right to every individual which necessitates the mandate to most governments. Terror attacks reduce the long-term rate of international business agreements and even significant investments by residents in the affected nations (Serena & Clarke, 2016). The adverse effect is catalyzed by the targeting of mass destruction, whether in property or massacre.
Nevertheless, there have been continued attempts by various authorities to curb the social evil. Governments have come up with laws that discourage communication or any other relationship with the terror groups. Also, technological improvement helps security agents to trace and monitor secret communication and movements of individuals. Other states have elected physical barriers like the case of Israel (Asal et. al., 2016). However, such attempts are temporal as such groups quickly find their way to overcome the blocks.
Considerably, residents in places where there is a history of repeated attacks are always in fear, regardless of any attempts of providing security. Most of the terror group members sacrifice their lives for the evil duties. Thus, the adaptability by the terror groups makes terrorism more about threats to the whole world including the developed states such as the Unite States.

Asal, V. H., Park, H. H., Rethemeyer, R. K., & Ackerman, G. (2016). With Friends Like These… Why Terrorist Organizations Ally. International Public Management Journal, 19(1), 1-30.
Brian A. J., John C. B., Kim C., John P., Horacio R. T., & Peter C. (2005) Aptitude for Destruction: Case Studies of O...
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