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Parental Influence on Career Choice

Essay Instructions:
Assignment 3 Mini-Paper #1: Argumentative Essay Due Date: Sunday of Week 9 Value: 15% of final grade Through your readings, research, and class discussions, you have been exposed to a variety of CYC(child and youth care) topics, as well as to a number of current debates within the CYC field. While you are new to CYC, you probably find that you are beginning to develop your own opinions on some of the topics you have read about and discussed. This assignment gives you a chance to develop and defend a thesis on a CYC topic or debate of your choice in a brief argumentative essay of approximately 750 words (3 typed, double-spaced, 12 pt pages). For this assignment, you can choose any topic that relates to historical or contemporary CYC, though you are especially encouraged to choose a topic that relates to the ecological or strength-based perspectives, since by you will have explored those perspectives in some detail by the time you complete this paper. In choosing your topic and in developing your thesis, remember to stay focused: in 750 words, you only have room to state and defend a very specific thesis effectively. As you work on this assignment, use the research and writing skills reviewed in the course notes (see Weeks 1-4, though see Week 3 in particular for this assignment). With a paper this short, organization is key, so you are strongly encouraged to develop an outline for your paper: every sentence counts! Below is a rough guide you can use in completing this assignment. Your final paper should include: A brief introductory paragraph (approximately 200-250 words) in which you describe the relevant background for your topic, including the citation of at least two relevant course readings or additional articles, book chapters, or credible websites, leading to your thesis statement; One paragraph (about 250-300 words) in which you defend your thesis statement with 2-3 key arguments; A brief concluding paragraph (about 200-250 words) in which you paraphrase your thesis statement and succinctly describe the implications of your thesis and arguments for CYC practice. Save your assignment as either a Word or RTF document with the filename "Assignment3-yourname" and submit it to the instructor using the assignment tool located on the left navigation bar in your course website. Grading Criteria Content (10 marks) Addresses and describes a relevant topic or debate within historical or contemporary CYC. Makes reference to at least two course readings and two additional articles, book chapters, and/or credible websites. Contains a clear thesis statement that is reasonable and compelling. Thesis statement is effectively defended in the main body of the paper. Implications of the writer's thesis for CYC practice are clearly stated in the conclusion. Presentation (5 marks) Structure of paper and presentation of material is clear, logical and congruent. Spelling, grammar, sentence and paragraph structure, pagination, punctuation and clarity of writing are at a 1st year University level. References in text and in bibliography are complete and according to APA standards
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Parental Influence on Career Choice
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School Name
A number of children in various institutions have ended up making career choices that are related to their parent career direction. This has brought concern to scholars on the role played by parent in their children careers. The role of parents is important in the development of children and youth behavior. Parents are the immediate contact of children and youth in the society (Aldrich, and Kim, 2007). They are the people who are responsible for the care and protection of children. Academic research shows that nearly 80% of the children and youth behavior originates from the parents behavior. The behavior of children can be inherited through parental genes or it can be attributed to the parental care. Choosing of academic careers is one of the decisions that all children and youth are faced with in their life time. In most cases, children will end up choosing wrong careers that are not of interest to them. Studies show that parents have a significant role to play in their children careers. Children and youth at earlier stages will always imitate the career of their parents (Brown, 2002). They will grow with the desire of pursuing their parent’s career. Parents, therefore, have an important role in the determination of their children career. This will ensure that children and youth choose the best careers they would like to pursue in their lifetime. Parents are very instrumental in giving advice to their children. They have the opportunity to advice their children towards their career direction. The essay supports theme statements that parental influence affects the career choice of children.
Arguments to support the parental influence to career choice
Parental influence will have a significant impact on the career of their children and youth in the society. This has been proved by various research carried out by academic scholars. The first argument to support the thesis is related parents support to the children. Parents are the immediate contacts with their children. Since children are born with brains that are not development, the developments of their brains will be the responsibility of the parents (Wong, and Liu, 2010). The behavior of parents in the earlier stages of children development will have a big impact of the child brain development. They will grow knowing the careers of their parents. At the earlier stage of growth, children will not be aware of any other career a part from those of their parents. They will grow with the careers of either the mother or father in their mind. This will make the children develop interest in the career of their parents at earlier stages of their growth. The second argument for thesis statement is the parental career concerns about welfare and prestige. Parents will influence the direction of ...
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