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Business World Coursework: Local State Tax On Gasoline

Essay Instructions:

For the experiment consisting of throwing a dice 3 consecutive times, let X represent the combinations of values that total 13. List all possible combinations of values that X can take. Why does the experiment you just completed matter in the world of business. Compare your answers with other students and respond to at least one other student's post.

2a. The distribution of students per household receiving financial aid in a large region is as follows: 50% of the student financial support households have 1 student, 40% of the financial support households have 2 students, and 10% of the financial support households have 3 students. What is the mean number of students per financial support household in this region?

2b. Now list 2-3 government policies that can help student gain access to financial aid to help in achieving their educational goals. Then compare your answer with other student's stated policies and reply to at least one other student.

1a. The price for a gallon of gas is uniformly distributed between $3 and $5 during the month of June in the United States. Find the mean and standard deviation of the gallon of gas.

1b. What is local state tax on gasoline in your state and how does affect the price of gas?

1c. Why does gas cost more/less in different states.

Which of the following random variables are continuous?

1. The time that an individual spend talking on their phones during a given week.

2. The number of 911 calls responded daily by the NYC police

3. The daily rentals rates for luxury cars in the US

1a. The top 4 accounting specialties are: corporate, inventory, healthcare and retail. How many random samples of size 3, chosen without replacement are possible when selected from the population consisting of these 4 specialties?

1b. Which of those specialties interest you and if given a choice, which would you rather work in?

2a. Describe a real world business situation for which cluster sampling would be useful in learning more about a certain population.

2b. Find business related article that uses clustering and describe its findings. Please cite your article appropriately.


1a. Briefly discuss the similarities and differences between the 4Ps and 6 Ps in marketing. Should we advance to 6 Ps or remain with the traditional 4Ps? If so, what setting is best for either?

1b. Discuss whether the 4Ps, 6Ps or both best fit the marketing mix for the company you selected in module 1.

Discuss the differences between the product life cycle and the diffusion (adoption of innovations concepts). How does the marketing mix change with each stage of these processes? Find innovations within the last 5 years of the company you selected and tell us how consumers adapted (or not). Make sure you cite your sources.

Marketing strategy is about striking the right balance between various and conflicting forces which act on the organization and then turning these into long-term profits. Explain how a well-conceived marketing strategy can help a company achieve its marketing objectives despite the challenges faced by marketers in today's competitive environment.

There are many types of analyses conducted in Marketing but the SWOT Analysis is the most common in a variety of industries.

2a. Briefly define a SWOT analysis and why it is relevant to a marketing strategy.

2b. List at least two bullets for each area of the SWOT and tell us how you came to the conclusion for these bullets (see example below). Make sure you cite your sources and reply to at least one other student's post.

Example of Company XYZ SWOT Analysis:


Customer relations is....

Rewards and recognition for consumer affairs office for....

Narrative: The strengths in this company are ____ and ____ because according to _______ (2013, p. 52), this lends to a competitvie advantage based on _______________.

Weakness: (add 2 more bullets)

Opportunities: (add 2 more bullets)

Threats: (add 2 more bullets)

1a. Utilizing the background material for this module, briefly define the concepts below:




1b. Provide examples for each of the concepts from your selected company you have used throughout this course. Is your company doing a good job in these areas? Please explain.

2a. What is CRM? Discuss the relationship between CRM and marketing data.

2b. Do your best to determine if the organization you selected is using any type of analytical tools to gather data for a competitive advantage. For example, tell us if they are data mining and explain how you know it is data mining.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

When a fair dice is throw three times, the number of times that the dice will turn up with a combination that totals 13 is 21/216. The business world, this is a representation of the number of alternatives that businessmen have to deal with. Whenever there is a solution to be formulated, the number of alternatives is quite many and all of them have the same results. However, achieving the same results does not mean that the process is similar. Different approaches can help achieve a solution.
In the case of the financial support households there are three sets and this brings the mean to two. To increase the level of education access, there a number of polices that would easily assist such as increasing the number of teachers. At the same the element of establishing programs to get more girls attending schools in the developing nations is a crucial way of boosting access to education.
Where the price of a gallon of gas has cost the consumers between $3 US dollars and $5 for the month of June, it is possible to calculate the mean and the standard deviation for the data. The mean of the gas costs in the month will thus be $4 US dollars. The standard deviation from the mean of the cost of gas during the month of June is going to be 1.41.
In the state of New York, the amount of taxes that the residents have to pay on the gasoline they buy in the state is 16.9%. there are number of reasons that explain why gas prices vary between states (DiLallo, 2017). one of them is the fact that there are more than 55 blends of gasoline that are sold in the states. depending on the blend that the state is selling, the customers are going to be treated to different prices relative to the taxes levied from the different blends (DiLallo, 2017). Different state levy different taxes on the gasoline that they are selling to the citizens. There are states that have higher than average tax levies on the gasoline creating some element of difference in the final price. Distribution and marketing of the gasoline per state also carry into the final price of the gasoline bringing about differences between the states. the refining costs also affects the final price of the gasoline as charged by the different states (DiLallo, 2017).
In this case, the number of 911 calls responded daily by the NYC police, take the form of continuous variables as they can take any number. This is relative to the fact that, it can take any number which is not defined. The other two can be controlled within a certain limit, relative to the financial constraints or capacities.
From the random selection, only three of the of the four choices that have been given. With a chance to select one of the specialties, corporate is the best. This is relative to the fact that it offers better chance of career growth and diversification.
Cluster sampling can be used where the researchers are trying to identify how a specific county responds to a new product compared to a neighboring county. The two counties form separate clusters of participants that can be considered separately and comparatively to one another in business research.
Robert Johnston and Xiangyu Kong, in a research titled The Customer Experience: A Road Map for Improvement, evaluate the elements of customer experience involving four different organizations (Johnston, & Kong, 2017). In the research paper, the authors contributed to the identification of the importance of mindset of the customers, involvi...
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