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Biology Exercise Essay

Essay Instructions:

As a food addict, I really appreciate food a lot. However in this case, the food offered doesn’t catch my attention to be honest. (1) As far as I experienced many different cuisines, American between them all never was on the top 3 cuisines that I enjoy. So either way trying to be healthy or not I will try and not eat any of the appetizers since they are all considered to be UN healthy choices. However, if someone is really hungry and would love to try some of the appetizers I would say go for the nuts since they are considered the best option, and to make some space for the main course. Speaking of the main the course, in my own opinion try to avoid sauces with the main course. Since it’s a grill dish, I will ask for 2 hamburgers with no bun since I am not a big fan of ribs.



(2) In order to avoid all of this confusion and starvation, if I knew this is what is provided in advance of attending this event, I will try to bring my own meal to stick to my healthy life routine. I will have grilled chicken salad with balsamic vinegar as my dressing, and a vegetable soup to fill me up. As for dessert, I am not that kind of person who would die if he didn’t get his sugar contained on daily basis, but if so I will have some apples with a side of almond since both are considered very healthy and would work perfectly together.




(3,4) People love to interact and especially with food around them. Those kinds of events usually play on the mind of all healthy people that those kinds of days take them off and eat with no regrets. I disagree with this mentality; never try to cheat badly on your diet. For the feast listed above try to avoid anything with high sugar, and focus more on good carbs and protein. Not only that, eat with your mind full, try to eat small portions in order to have a stable appetite.



(5,6) As a young man I have experienced to be over weight almost half of my life. By the age of 17 I reached 133 kilo grab which about 300 pound or more. I made a promise to my self that year to change all my un healthy habits and bring in healthier schedule in order to live happy. I signed up in a gym, even though I was an active over weight teen soccer and other outdoor activities didn’t help me bring down my weight. So I went to the gym everyday except Friday. At the gym I did almost everything swimming, tennis, squash, attack classes, cycling classes etc.. I started to love this routine, if I missed one day I would feel so guilty and always had in my mind that I don’t want screw this up. With the help of my family and friends I was very encouraged to reach my target, however there was key role in this achievement, which was my DIET. Working out with out focusing on the diet will not help the changes to develop. I had 5 meals a day, breakfast (egg white, turkey bacon, orange and a brown toast), then I would have a snack around 12 pm which is mainly fruits or vegies I prefer to have either carrots or cucumber with plain white yogurt.

As for lunch I would have steamed vegies, white yogurt, green salad and any source of proteins “ it changes on my preference”. Before going to the gym in one hour ill have my fourth meal which is almonds and peanut butter which helps on increasing my energy. Last but not least dinner, either go for a salad with salmon, or brown rice with grilled beef kabob. With this routine over a span of one year and half, I reached to 91 kilo gram, and until now I try to never miss a day at the gym or any other exercise with a healthy diet.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Biology Exercise
Institutional Affiliation;
Food has been one of the important things in every human’s life. However, for addicts, it remains the essential thing a factor that intrigues their appreciation in food. I admit being a lover of food or an addict as they say. As far as my experience with food is concerned, I lack interest in foods that fail to have a glimpse of my attention at the first sight as was seen in an event I recently attended.
I have tried different kinds of cuisines, with the American types being part of them. Apparently, none of the cuisines I tried belonged to the favorite cuisines I enjoy. In as much as health remains a concern to me, I have not thought of eating any appetizer since they are not good for health, as reports from the UN indicates. However, at times I am tempted to eat the appetizers, especially in an event when I am hungry. I have always told myself in this state to try the nuts instead that would make space for the main course. My advice to those who would love to try main courses is it is important to avoid sauces. Since I am not a lover of ribs, I would rather eat two plain hamburgers without buns.
Apparently the occasion I attended had none of my favorites, a factor that got me starved. If I had an idea that things would turn out this way, I would have packed my food such as grilled chicken garnished with balsamic vinegar and some vegetable soup on top. I would also have made a dessert that would have left people's tongues yearning for more sugar. Besides this, I would al...
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