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Theories of Counseling and Psychotherapy: Behavioral Analysis

Essay Instructions:

This is a three page paper with nine (9) questions according to the question based still on Ana case. One of the scholarly references has to be our book chapter 10 and 11 which is cognitive Therapy and Reality Therapy starting from page 313 but I could not pull up the chapters due to something wrong with the computer. I hope you will be able to get the chapters the book is Theories of Counseling and Psychotherapy: A Case Approach. Third Edition, by Nancy L Murdock, Published by Pearson. Copyright 2013. I need in text citations. due in 7 days. The instructions and case alone with questions are added. Doris

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Case Study Analysis
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Question 1
The concepts of behavioral theory make it most appropriate to treat the client. First, Murdock (2013) opines that behavioral theory is based on the idea that people learn behavior from the environment exposed to them. Secondly, the theory aims to reinforce behaviors that are desired and to eliminate behaviors that are maladaptive (unwanted behaviors). Behavioral theory considers behavior itself as the problem; therefore aims to teach the client how to acquire new behaviors to eliminate the problem. Old learning normally causes the development of the problem; behavioral theory believes that new learning can help to fix the problem.
Question 2
Regarding treatment for specific behavioral problems or issues, the behavioral theory is more effective than other theories. Schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, anxiety disorder, social phobia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, mood disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, panic disorder, personality disorder, and phobias are some problems which behavioral theory can treat more effectively than other theories (Eysenck and Martin, 2013). Behavioral theory is efficient at helping the client cope with or manage her psychiatric conditions and difficult situations. The behavioral theory also can help the client to manage her emotional grief. The theory is effective as it helps to enhance the quality of life of the client including improving social skills and emotional expressions, and reducing or eliminating chances of self-harm.
Question 3
The goal of behavioral counseling (behavior therapy) is to help the client change self-destructing behaviors. This type of counseling aims to help the client to learn good habits to replace bad ones. The counseling aims to help the client to cope with or manage difficult situations. The counseling is focused on helping the client to know how changing her behavior can result in changes on how she is feeling (Greene and Kroof, 2011). The aim of the behavior therapy is to increase the client’s engagement in socially or positive reinforcing activities. The counseling is a structured approach which carefully assesses what the client is doing and then focuses on increasing chances for creating a positive experience.
The intervention strategies used to achieve those goals include the following. Self-monitoring is the first intervention in which the client is asked to keep a comprehensive details of all her activities during the day. The therapist then assesses the list during next session to see what the client is doing. Greene and Kroof (2011) view that the second intervention is the schedule of weekly activities in which the therapist and client work together to create new activities which will enable the client to develop chances of creating a positive experience. Role playing is the other intervention utilized to help the client create new skills (Murdock, 2013). Behavior modification is another intervention which rewards the client for engaging in desired or positive behavior. Other intervention strategies include systematic desensitization, modeling, social skills training, relaxation training, behavioral rehearsal and homework, virtual reality exposure, and others. Sometimes, behavior therapists may ask clients to think about situations which frighten them. The goal is not to scare them but to enable them to develop various coping skills.
Question 4
Behavioral theory is designed both for short-term and long-term counseling. The length of the behavioral therapy will depend on the goals of the counseling. Murdock (2013) says that behavior therapy can be designed for short-term counseling, which has specific target goals, is highly structured, and has 12 sessions or less. Goals of short-term counseling involve reducing proble...
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