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Behavioral Health Prevention Program

Essay Instructions:
Behavioral Health Prevention Program This assignment comprises two components: a behavioral health prevention program design and a behavioral prevention summary report addressing the behavioral and psychological factors promoting healthy living and disease prevention. Behavioral Health Prevention Program Design a behavioral health prevention program that outlines the program and addresses the following: 1) Program mission and vision. 2) Stakeholders involved in the program: patients, paraprofessionals, therapists, public/private agencies, the local community, etc. 3) Roles and responsibilities of stakeholders. 4) Behavioral and psychological barriers that impede behavior modification and disease prevention: role of behavior and prevention in maintaining health. 5) Recommendations for behavior modification and disease prevention: factors promoting healthy living and factors promoting disease prevention. include a minimum of two outside references or other resources for evidentiary support. Behavioral Health Prevention Summary Report 1) Write a summary report (1,250words) about the information gleaned from the behavioral health prevention program design process. include a minimum of two outside references or other resources for evidentiary support, one of which may include the textbook. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is not required.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Behavioral Health Prevention Program Name: Institution Affiliation: Date of submission: Behavioral Health Prevention Program Prevention can also be referred to as a proactive process, which allows the community members, families and systems to meet the challenges of life and transitions by making, reinforcing and promoting healthy behaviors and lifestyles. Our Mission The Behavioral Health Program endeavors to provide the highest level of prevention services to the members of the community. Our Vision The idea of this plan is to guarantee the community and family unit reach their full potential. Organization Structure To ensure that the community and family are served promptly and efficiently, the department is organized into the following units. Administration The administrators are responsible for managing the budget and strategic planning. Administrators are also responsible for publishing policies, standards and procedures. Other functions include information, data and business administration. They are also involved in quality improvement, training and public relations (Fishbein, Bandura, Triandis, Kanfer , Becker & Middlestadt 2007). Data-Based Management This unit will be responsible in providing the best solutions for clients in the most cost effective method without compromising the services offered. They will also participate in decision making and provide advice to other related units. Quality improvement and complaints This unit is responsible for receiving client`s complaints. The complaints department will try to ensure that differences are settled at the lowest level before seeking other alternate channels. The quality improvement team is concerned with monitoring operations and provision of status reports on a regular basis. They a will also review and report on complaints after which they will recommend measures to guarantee that such incidences do not happen again. Training Training unit will ensure that knowledge that they impart education to clients and manage any issue that requires their expertise. Stakeholders Stakeholders in this program in this program are: * Local Government. * Community * Therapist * Behavior specialists Responsibilities of stakeholders Local government The local government will provide financial assistance in the form of land to construct the central office and other structures. Issuing necessary permits and licenses will also be their responsibility. Furthermore\, they must be involved in the day to day activities of the program and access its profitability to the communities. Community The community is the cornerstone of this project, and they are the main reason for the propagation of this program. They will offer cheap labor and any available financial resources at their disposal. In addition, they are the clients being served by the initiative. Therapists and Behavior Specialist These are the professionals responsible for providing essential services. Services The prevention and early intervention services to be offered shall be free. The services will include: ø Parental education classes ø Family support initiatives ø School based initiatives ø Community education ø Substance abuse reduction Prevention can be classified into two major classes, that is, primary and secondary prevention. Primary prevention is concerned with healthy individuals and tries to prevent the occurrence of disease. Examples include vaccinations, adopting of healthy lifestyles, avoidance of substance abuse, safe or abstinence from sex and dieting. Secondary prevention concentrates on patients with preexisting conditions. It provides to lessen the risk of reappearance or succession of a disease. Examples are use of aspirin in arterial diseases, beta blockers after myocardial infection or cessation in smoking in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (Baranowski, Perry, Parcel 1997). There is no clear distinction between primary and secondary prevention. In fact, many interventions may be primary or secondary depending on the circumstances. Prevention can also be classified according to the level where action is taken. It can therefore, be classified as personal, local or national. Disease prevention and health promotion can significantly help those currently at risk of experiencing health problems. A number of socio-cultural, psychological, biological and environmental processes can meditate health status. This implies that behavioral and psychological factors in health promotion are vital to preventing diseases. They can also go a long way in promoting and maintaining healthy lifestyles. Psychology has been one of the disciplines propagating effective health promotion and chronic disease prevention. They focus on numerous public health issues which include behavioral and mental problems. Examples of preventable conditions that can be controlled by behavior modification are cancer, HIV/AIDS, depression, hea...
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