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Philosophy of Science: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

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Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
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On most occasions, parents have been involved in economic activities trying to make a living. The busy schedule has witnessed several children staying alone or with other fellow children. The current generation has portrayed a picture where parents seem to be so busy with their children. Once the parents arrived from their respective areas of work, they tend to take a lot of time on social media, forgetting to give their children the necessary attention. Children, therefore, become lonely and starts to develop attention deficit hyperactivity disorder which seems to affect their entire life from childhood to adulthood when critical actions are not put in place. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a chronic condition that provides difficulties in sustaining attention, hyperactivity, and impulsive behavior to children in their early stages and adulthood when necessary actions are not taken. On most occasions, the disorder affects children at the age of 12 years old, but sometimes it is also witnessed in children as young as three years old. Therefore, every child requires maximum attention to develop into a responsible individual effectively and minimize the chances of getting attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
Scientific Research
Various research activities have been conducted to determine the scientific cause, symptoms, and possible treatment of the disorder. Based on its nature, the disorder mainly occurs in male children compared to their female counterparts. For instance, boys may be more hyperactive, and girls always tend to be inattentive (Raman, S, Man, K, Bahmanyar, Berard, Bilder & Wong, 2018). Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder always occurs in three designed faces. The faces include, predominantly inattentive which entails the majority of inattention symptoms. The affected individuals in this stage have problems paying attention to the basic concepts around them. Besides, there is predominantly hyperactive, which entails hyperactive and impulsive symptoms. Under hyperactive, the child shows signs such as Often squirms, fidgets, and sometimes bounces when sitting. The children have problems when playing quietly. On most occasions, they need to make noise to gain the attention of their fellows. The character of being yappy develops in them and becomes part of them even at the adult stage.
Besides, the children affected by this disorder under the predominantly hyperactive stage tend to always like moving to inform of making runs, climbing on things, and doing all kinds of activities to illustrate restlessness. The disorder also makes the affected individuals talk excessively in the place they are. Despite being grown up, the effects of attention deficit disorders developed in the earlier stages tend to permanently stick into an individual character even if they are grown-ups. Sometimes it becomes difficult to identify the problem that some people have based on their behaviors despite being adults.
Another step is t understand the value proposition in which the healthcare providers have used several technological applications. People tend to give their views on a specific product's value based on how they satisfy their wants(Faraone, S & Larsson, 2019). If the customers are effectively happy, they will provide positive propositions and always use the ore of the commodity. On the other, where the consumers' tastes and wants are not met, they will give the item negative preference and even develop a negative attitude towards the commodity, leading to their withdrawal in consumption, hence opting for other things. Besides, identifying the customers and segments where one can create more values than the competitor's values. The creation of more importance than the values existing in the market shows that superiority always exists in the commodity values despite all valuable products. Despite being creators of useful goods and services, manufacturers and producers also have valuable customers. The manufacturers have some customers who are willing to pay a relatively high amount for their products, hence leading to the realization of increased profit in controlling the activities conducted to ensure that several disorders are effectively addressed.
Similarly, the disorder has several symptoms and effects on adults. Some of these effects include often being late or forgetting things by an individual. The adults tend to lose memory hence forgetting a lot quickly. The affected individuals are also likely to be affected by anxiety and low self-esteem. Their response is typical, a factor that raises concerns over their mental status. On several occasions, it has been witnessed when some people quickly lose control of their temper, and they become more trouble-causing while trying to control their anger. On most occasions, they tend to be more impulsive in their response to specific challenges and mainly prefer drug abuse to solve their problems. When they are in groups of people, it becomes difficult to find them staying organized since they are easily frustrated due to excess mood swings and depression. It is, therefore, evident that attention deficit hyperactivity disorder has a significant effect on individuals' lifestyles and how they handle themselves. The research conducted shows that parents' negligence causes over 60% of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder to provide their children's necessary attention.
The data collected through the research co...
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