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What Do You Think About Assisted Suicide?

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What do you think about Assisted suicide? pros and cons and grey area

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Assisted Suicide
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Assisted suicide is also known as euthanasia. It is where an individual is given an injection voluntarily to end the ache and suffering in their life. In some cases, it is considered obligatory to kill those patients who are terminally ill especially cancer patients.
The PROS of assisted suicide are the following. It ends patient’s terrible sufferings and pain, for example, those patients suffering from HIV\ AIDS and cancers are allowed to ask for mercy killing in the later stages of their illness. A doctor can administer a lethal injection on the patients knowing it was as a result of their decision. Also, the doctor can move to another patient who is in need of his attention and care instead of him concentrating on a person who is terminally sick. Another PRO of assisted suicide is vital organs are saved and are later used to save another patient for example kidneys. Finally, the family members of the victims suffer less pain and their minimization of the health care expenses and bills.
Assisted suicide has many CONS; they include the following. There are numerous religious believes that if a person commits suicide, he goes to hell. Therefore making it difficult for the family to make such decision. It also declines the worth and the significance of human life. Also, its violates the Hippocratic oath taken by the physicians to cure all the disease a patient is suffering in and restore their health back, more so the family if the patient tends to...
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