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Article Review: The Macro Economy Today

Essay Instructions:

Texts/Materials: Text: "The Macro Economy Today,” by Bradley R. Schiller. McGraw-Hill Irwin, 2013. ISBN might be 978-0-07-741647-8 13th ed. Find an article that relates to the reading for weeks 7-11 which are: Chapter 10: Self - Adjustment or Instability? Chapter 11: Fiscal Policy Tools Chapter 12: Deficits and Debt Chapter 13: Monetary Policy Options Chapter 14: The Federal Reserve System Chapter 15: Monetary Policy Chapter 16: Supply - Side Options Chapter 17: Growth and Productivity: Long - Run Possibilities Your article should be current, no more than one month old. Prepare a short paper (500-750 words) summarizing the article, discussing how it relates to the material we have studied, and what you learned from considering the article in light of the economic theory we are studying. Characterize the source and the nature of the article. Is this an online news service? A newspaper standard business or national periodical, or online version of same? Is the author identified? Is the author a reporter, an analyst or editorial writer for the publication? Is the author some person who has expertise, but is not part of the news source? Is the article straight reporting (who, what, when, where)? Is it analysis of some public information? Is it opinion? Provide page references in the book to help others find the theory in the book that relates to the article. Note that your summary of the article should take up no more than one paragraph of your total paper. The idea is for you to provide connection to the reading, analysis and commentary. You may also use other online and hard copy sources, including Business Week, The Economist, The Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, Bloomberg News. You should be able to access these through the Auraria Library. DO NOT USE A BLOG. Post your paper in the Discussion Board as a reply to the heading I will set up. Read the contributions of others, and reply to them. Submit it through the assignment drop box for grading. Grades will be based heavily on the choice of subjects and the relation to the theory. Writing should reflect good grammar, punctuation, spelling, sentence structure and essay construction. Two points may be deducted for sloppy work, and one point deducted for work submitted late.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Article Review
Course title:
Article Review
Article: Morath, E., & Leubsdorf, B. (2014). U.S. Economy Starts Year With a Whimper: GDP Growth Stalls as Frigid Weather, Weak Exports Curtail Activity. The Wall Street Journal.
The article was obtained from the Wall Street Journal. The authors report that the economic growth of the United States almost halted during the initial 3 months of 2014, which is basically new confirmation that the growth of the country’s economy which started about 5 years ago is still the weakest in modern history. Morath and Leubsdorf (2014) report that Gross Domestic Product (GDP), the most extensive measure of services as well as goods generated across the economy, expanded at a seasonally adjusted rate of just 0.1 percent within the first quarter (Q1). This marked the 2nd worst quarterly performance from the time when the recession came to an end in the middle of 2009. The authors added that the weak reading of the gross domestic product came as officials of the Federal Research chose to continue to withdraw their support for the economy basing upon the anticipation that economic expansion would bounce back.
This article relates to the material that we have studied; it is particularly related to the topic of Chapter 17: Growth and Productivity: Long-run possibilities. Real Gross Domestic Product is essentially understood as the actual quantity of goods and services generated. GDP is usually employed as a measure of growth. Alters in real gross domestic product are expressed in terms of percentage, as a growth rate (Schiller 2013, p. 367). In essence, the growth rate is understood as the alter in real output between 2 periods divided by the total output in the base period (Schiller 2013, p. 367). The article relates to the material that we have studies since its authors discuss about the recent GDP growth rate of t...
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