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Aristotle's Focus on Virtue and the Best Approach on Ethical Dilemmas

Essay Instructions:

Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English, spelling, and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be at least four (4) double-spaced pages; refer to the "Assignment Format" page located on the Course Home page for specific format requirements.

1. Suppose that you are employed as a reporter by the local newspaper in your town. You learn that Ron Smith, one of the individuals running for sheriff in the county, has been accused of sexual assault. The victim came to you, seeking help. You want to vet her story and run an article. The election is next week. Your boss asks you to hold off publishing the article until after the election results are tallied. In the workplace, you will be confronted with ethical dilemmas. None as disturbing as this one perhaps, but dilemmas nonetheless.

Which of the three ethical principles covered so far would be the most appropriate approach to ethical dilemmas encountered in the twenty-first century? Remember that Aristotle’s focus was virtue, Kant’s was duty, and John Stuart Mill’s was utility. Defend your answer.

2. Include in your discussion reasons why the other two principles would not work as well today.

3. Support your writing assignment with two (2) outside scholarly articles.

Virtue Ethics

The student’s content meets all expectations as outlined in the assignment, and provides a compelling discussion about virtue ethics.

Kantian Ethics

The student’s content meets all expectations as outlined in the assignment, discussing in a compelling manner Kantian ethics.

Utilitarian Ethics

The student’s content meets all expectations as outlined in the assignment, discussed in a compelling manner utilitarian ethics.

Two (2) Scholarly Articles

The student incorporates two (2) scholarly articles into the writing assignment, providing a clear and logical discussion.

Mechanics - Grammar, Punctuation, Spelling

The student does not make any errors in grammar, punctuation, or spelling, especially those that distract the reader from the content.

Writing Style - Organization, Transitions, Tone

The assignment is written with excellent organization, thoughtful transitions, and an appropriate tone.

APA Format - Margins, Font, Spacing, Headings, and cover page.

The margins, font, spacing, headings, and cover page are all formatted properly.

APA Format - Citations and References

All sources used for quotes and facts are credible and cited, and the references and in-text citations are all properly formatted. Each reference has an in-text citation and an in-text citation has a reference.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Ethical Dilemmas
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Ethical Dilemmas
Ethical dilemmas are some factors that make it challenging for people to make decisions, especially in the workplace. The 21st-century ethical dilemmas are varied and complex due to globalization, rapidly evolving technologies, and the increasing complexity of society. Various ethical principles provide the most effective approach to twenty-first-century ethical dilemmas. The paper will focus on how Aristotle's focus on virtue provides the best approach to these dilemmas.
According to Aristotle, virtue is the central organizing principle of life and the greater good. The essence of virtue is to act concerning a worthy object in a way that is good for the object. It can be taken as the starting point to investigate how one should respond in such situations. When approaching these complex ethical dilemmas, Aristotle outlines whether it is possible to discern what might be right or wrong through an objective means of measuring behavior. According to Aristotle, it is possible to understand these ethical dilemmas through the concept of virtue. Virtue is a complex concept that Aristotle describes as being different than the often-exercised skill (Dennis & Harrison, 2021). Arguably, virtue is the most important aspect of any decision-making process. Every act is done in a certain way to qualify as virtuous, which is determined by its ultimate end. However, if the unethical act is not done contrary to one's principles, and does not harm others, then it neither constitutes an error of character nor an action. Aristotle presents this idea as pointing away from virtue and toward the avoidance of vice.
It may seem that Aristotle's approach to ethics does not apply to a twenty-first-century ethical dilemma. However, virtue ethics can be summed up as acting on a desire for an end that is good and aiming to bring about the greatest good for oneself and others. This approach to these ethical dilemmas is applicable and provides a solution to some of the most complex ethical dilemmas that are occurring in society. For example, one approach to these dilemmas would be to consider the purpose of an individual's actions. If the act is for an end that is worthy and does not harm others, it does not represent a conflict of interest and is morally justified. In this case, the act of deception could be considered unethical (Dennis & Harrison, 2021). In addition, if a conflict of interest has arisen through deception or manipulation, there is reason to believe that the individual should be held accountable for their decision. However, Aristotle's approach allows one to determine what action might be virtuous by assessing their ethical decision-making process.
In today's society, it is common for employees to have ethical dilemmas arise in their workplace. To provide a more helpful solution to these problems, Aristotle would suggest that they make decisions based on which ethical principles apply to the situation. In light of this idea, Aristotle would suggest that one first assess the moral principle. If one is held accountable for their decision, one should also be responsible for the consequences of such decisions. However, if the individ...
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