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Argumentation SLP

Essay Instructions:



The Module 2 SLP is an Argumentative essay in which the writer takes a stance on technology and children and provides three or more supporting points as support.
After reflecting on “The Impact of Technology on the Developing Child” and “Is the Internet Hurting Children?" write a well-organized and well-supported essay on technology and children.
A well-organized essay has a beginning, middle, and an end. The beginning, or introduction, should include an opening sentence to grab your reader’s attention. Follow the opening sentence with a brief background on the topic or situation. In this case, it would be brief summary on technology and children today. The last sentence of the introduction is the thesis statement. The thesis states the main point of the essay, which in this case, would be a statement affirming the impact of technology on children today.

A well-supported essay includes supporting points, details, and examples. For this essay, you must decide the best way to organize the body of the paper. Will you have one or two paragraphs for each supporting point? Will you divide the body of your paper into three or more paragraphs, one for each point? In any case, each body paragraph must support (explain) your reasoning (rationale) using specific details. Each body paragraph must have a topic sentence that states the main point of the paragraph, which in this case would be each supporting point.

This essay must include no less than FOUR citations from these two readings. Citations are to be a combination of direct quotations and paraphrased quotations with or without the author's name. No others sources are to be used for this assignment.

The conclusion typically summarizes the main points of the essay and/or closes with a lasting impression that connects the reader to their world. In this case, where do we go from here?

The essay must also include a Reference List that includes the two readings quoted in the essay.

The first person "I" is not used in a formal essay, nor is the passive "you." In place of "you," "one" may be used

•Write an essay (no less than three pages in length) that states an original thesis statement on technology and children.

•Demonstrate the ability to make and support an Argumentative claim in a well-supported, organized, and cohesive essay.

•Demonstrate the ability to select credible and reliable sources for use in a well-supported and cohesive essay.

•Demonstrate the ability to write a direct quote, paraphrased, or summary citation in APA Style.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Argumentation SLP
Institutional Affiliation
It is clearly undisputed that everything comes with both advantages and disadvantages. Every invention and technology development comes with its dark side full of negative effects that are inevitable. Technology has taken great leaps with the dawn of the twenty first century with milestones that were never imagined being achieved in such a short period. With these huge and widely celebrated milestones comes the realization of the negative effects that they bring, especially to the children. This especially hits hard on the children as they are the most easily affected and influenced by what they hear, see or read. Bearing this in mind, it is very clear that the negative impact of technology on children and teens cannot go unnoticed, as this would be prudent.
First and foremost, technology has taken its toll as far as the physical health of developing children is concerned. This is majorly because children nowadays rely on technology for their play thereby eliminating physical play. With the ever increasing development of video games, television programs and social media, parents have opted to buy their children such equipment in attempts to keep up with the train of technology. However, this has only worked to make the children sedentary and turn them into ‘couch potatoes’. According to Rowan (2013), this lack of physical exercise has greatly contributed to the prevalence of obesity and diabetes among children. These two diseases have become issues of great concern if not epidemics in many countries among them United States of America and Canada. Also, apart from diabetes and obesity, the lack of physical exercise has considerably contributed to increase of physical disorders among growing children (Rowan 2013). The overuse of technology entertainment has led to interference of sensory and motor systems in children. This is because the child lacks sufficient physical challenges to stimulate the optimal development of these two systems. According to Rowan (2013), "Children's developing sensory, motor, and attachment systems have biologically not evolved to accommodate this sedentary, yet frenzied and chaotic nature of today's technology..." Therefore, the lack of physical exercise has dire consequences as far as the physical development of children is concerned.
Secondly, the overuse of technology has also greatly affected the mental health of developing children. This is easily seen through the increased cases of psychological and behavioral disorders among children. The overreliance on technology for entertai...
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