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Why Drag Queens are Appropriate Subjects to Study for Women's Studies

Essay Instructions:

This is a short, structured assignment, using Rupp’s, “When Women’s Studies Isn’t About Women: Writing About Drag Queens.” Your essay should be a maximum of three pages long, and must include an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. Your first paragraph (the introduction) should sum up Rupp’s main points, and state the central idea of your paper. The next several paragraphs (the body) should lay out your arguments and address the questions asked below under “Detailed Instructions.” Your conclusion should briefly recap the central points of your essay.
Detailed Instructions
The discipline of women’s studies was historically premised on the belief that everyone knows just exactly who and what a woman is. But recently, theorists have challenged us to rethink the ideas of only two genders or sexualities. Read Rupp’s, “When Women’s Studies Isn’t About Women: Writing About Drag Queens.”
Answer these questions in your essay: How does Rupp explain why drag queens are appropriate subjects of study for women’s studies? How does the category of “drag queen” relate to the category of gender? What do drag queens tell us about the complex social construction of both gender and sexuality?
Required Reading
Rupp, L.J. (2005). When women’s studies isn’t about women: Writing about drag queens. In C. Berkin, J. L. Pinch, & C. S. Appel (eds.), Exploring women's studies: Looking forward, looking back (pp. 57-67). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

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Drag Queens
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Question 1: how does Rupp explain why drag queens are appropriate subjects to study for women’s studies?
Drag queens are individuals who have developed their own authentic genders; therefore advocating the need of eliminating the traditional gender categories. The society should develop the possibilities beyond the commonly acceptable two categories (male and female) to an entire range of possible identities such as female impersonators, transvestites, transsexuals, and cross-dressers, including drag queens (Rupp, 2005). Drag queens help to challenge the traditional sexual and gender order. Sexual desire, gender performances, and presentation of the drag queens contribute a significant function that challenges and transforms the sexual and gender systems. Drag queens develop their own theatrical and transgender identities which compel heterosexual individuals to think in a different and complex manner about what it implies to be women.
Drag queens are important individuals to the study for women studies and also in everyday lives. Drag queens help to bend gender stereotypes and advocate for greater limits of what is normally considered acceptable sex and gender in the society. Drag queens are important for entertainment purposes, and their aesthetics is significant for expressing on their own sexuality and gender (Rupp, 2005). This creates a comfortable environment for people to say and do what they feel important for them and not to worry about how others judge and feel about them. Sexism matters and any person can be sexist just like drag queens who embrace feminine sides. Drag queens value femininity because of spiritual, comfort and self-expression reasons including entertainment ambitions and the higher-profile performing reasons.
Drag queen helps to challenge the notion of gender and to bend gender norms. It is the concept that subverts the traditional norms of the gender of heterosexuality. Drag queen denaturalizes heterosexist norms and argues that sexual identities are more flexible and fluid than traditionally assumed. Studying drag queen in women studies is important because it enables heterosexual audiences to develop a tolerant understanding of what drag queens are all about (Rupp, 2005). Drag queens are known as catalysts driving change of sex and gender identities, ideas and values in the 21st century. Drag queens have created powerful lessons about sexual desire, identity, gender, and sex, and help to reveal why these men like dressing women’s clothing.
Question 2: how does the cat...
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