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Appraisal of Social Work and Healthcare in Singapore

Essay Instructions:

Question 1 (60 marks total)

The onset of cancer may have a long lasting impact on the physical, the psycho-emotional, and social well-being of the people. Using John Rolland’s Family Systems-Illness model,

(a) Demonstrate your understanding of the cancer condition by examining the concept of time phases of illness and its psychosocial aspects.

(20 marks)

(b) Analyse the effect of cancer on the individual and the family taking into consideration their life cycles.

(20 marks)

(c) Discuss the role of the medical social workers in facilitating the responses and management of patients with cancer. Consider the following areas:

i) Direct intervention

ii) Indirect intervention

(20 marks)

Question 2 (20 marks)

Appraise the philosophy of the local healthcare policy and give relevant examples in the Singapore government’s effort to combat the prevalence of chronic disease burden in the following three strategic thrusts:

i) Financing and subsidies to alleviate the health costs of patients with chronic diseases

ii) Public education and awareness of chronic disease and lifestyle management

iii) Facilitating integration of health and social care across the various settings

(20 marks)

Question 3 (20 marks)

Consider the following three scenarios:

Scenario 1: A patient who refused Dr’s advice for admission or to receive ongoing inpatient treatment but insisted on discharge.

Scenario 2: A patient who requires dialysis but insists on free treatment, otherwise he or she threatens to forgo and not seek any further follow up.

Scenario 3: A patient diagnosed with HIV revealed to you that he / she has not disclosed this information to his/her partner.

The above three scenarios highlight the possible ethical issues of patients choosing or insisting a course of action at the expense of their own health or the well-being of others.

Apply FIVE (5) relevant ethical principles in order to formulate a feasible course ofactions generic for these cases. For each principle, you may use any of the three scenarios to illustrate your answer.

(20 marks)

The End.

I have uploaded the lecture slides so that you can follow what is taught in class when writing the answer. Thank you.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Singapore Social Work and Healthcare
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Question One: a)
Cancer is a chronic condition that causes changes throughout different stages of the illness. The unforeseen changes force patients and their families to adjust and cope with the new situation. John Rollands Family Systems-illness model describes the time phases of illness. The model explains three phases of illness, including the crisis phase, the chronic phase, and the terminal phase (Rolland & Walsh, 2022). The crisis phase is the period before diagnosis and the first treatment preparation. During this phase, people experience uncertainty and denial. They learn to understand and cope with the illness, adjust to healthcare settings, create a relationship with healthcare providers, grieve the loss of good health, and develop goals for the future, such as chemotherapy sessions.
The chronic phase is the period between the initial diagnosis and the terminal illness phase. During this phase, people learn to live with the changes brought about by the illness. For instance, they accept new diet prescriptions and restrictions and follow medication. They adopt a new normal while maintaining the autonomy of family members considering the effects of the illness. The terminal phase is the last phase, where people anticipate loss and inevitably think about death. During this phase, the cancer patient's health deteriorates and eventually leads to death. This phase requires family support and helping patients live fully during their last moments. After death, the family mourns and learns to cope with the loss as they return to everyday life.
Question One: b)
When an individual is diagnosed with cancer, it interferes with the person's development and the family's development. Illness interrupts the phases of the family life cycle and makes it difficult to predict the future. The life cycles include leaving home, family formation, childbearing, child rearing, child launching, and empty nest (Rolland, 2019). The initial impact of cancer on the individual is shock, denial, and anxiety. The affected person cannot leave home and start a family due to incapacitation. The illness denies an individual a sense of self-responsibility and delays establishing themselves away from their family.
The sickness of a loved one increases stress within the family and changes the family's relationship and structure. The timing of disease onset influences the development of the family. For instance, if one spouse is affected during the early childbearing age, it may limit the bearing of more children. The family's sole breadwinner may also strain while juggling caregiving and child-rearing.
Question One: c)
Medical social workers directly assist patients just diagnosed with cancer and those still on treatment. They provide financial assistance to partly cover medical expenses. Cancer care can be financially draining to families as it requires expensive interventions. Medical social workers may arrange for co-pay assistance by settling part of the hospital bill, catering for transport, or home care services.
In addition, medical social workers directly impact cancer patients by providing emotional support. Dealing with cancer can be stressful for an individual and the family. Oncology social workers provide counseling services to affected people to help them cope with the new normal. Counseling also provides a platform for patients and caregivers to voice their concerns and seek support.
Medical social workers help patients indirectly by improving patient outcomes. Counseling and emotional support is essential for cancer patients. Patients who feel supported show improved results (Moudatsou et al., 2020). They feel motivated to continue with medication, hoping to improve in the future. Oncology social workers instill hope for better days ahead, indirectly promoting better medication responses. Furthermore, they provide essential information and resources that help patients navigate cancer care.
Question Two: a)
The healthcare financing framework in Singapore has enabled them to achieve universal healthcare. Their multifaceted financing system includes employee benefits, individual financing, media fund, and government intervention. The financing system is a shared responsibility where multiple schemes can finance a tr...
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