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Essay Instructions:
ANTH 316 ASSIGNMENT 1 POSTER ALTERNATIVE Choose any one of the topics cited below, or speak to me about an alternative group or movement. Please use AAA Style Guide Available Online. Description of Assignment: To complete this project successfully, refer to 1. the list of Religious Aspects discussed at the beginning of the course; 2. Clifford Geertz¡¯s definition of religion 3. the theme of "liberation" (that from which freedom is sought) and "salvation" (that which they hope to achieve or enter into). 1. Identify and explain what perceived need is satisfied by incorporating the religious or quasi-religious elements evident in one of the following organizations or activities; 2. Prepare in essay style ~ works cited. You may also adjust overall length to accommodate illustrations, if any are used. Refer to any illustrations in the body of your text (as set out in Diagram 1 below, for example), and then set it out as Diagram 1, and give it a title. 1. Alcoholics Anonymous 8. Goddess worship 2. Paranormal Investigations 9. Day trading as Cargo Cult 3. Promise Keepers 10. Diet programs (choose one) 4. Amway 11. The daVinci Code 5. Feng Shui 12. Reformed Druids of North America 6. Heaven¡¯s Gate 13. The Burning Man 7. Vampire Cults 14. Tea Party Movement 15. Identity Christianity (White supremacy)
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Identify and explain what perceived need is satisfied by incorporating the religious or quasi-religious elements evident in Alcoholics Anonymous
Clifford Geertzi’s definition of religion
Religion can is defined as a collection of unified behavior used to describe how a particular person ought to behave in the society. Religious behaviors are perceived to have evolved due to environmental shift and are limited to the societal expectations. It is an activity that is regarded as that of humanity and is can only be accepted within the confines of religious reality that it creates (Frank, 2007). It is the acceptance of the existence of the supernatural forces like gods, myths, spirits that one embraces that they can see the logic in the religion taken.
According to Clifford Geertzi’s, religion is a system made up of symbols that establishes powerful motivation and moods in human beings. These symbols define the rules for existence and accepting these rules with an open mind clearly indicates the unique realistic relationship between moods and motivation in men (Frank, 2007). He further goes on to explain what is meant by this; A system is made up of symbols used to convey and deliver a message to oneself or others about the nature and understand each other or the world in general (e.g. events, actions, pictures etc) it is therefore through the symbols that we all acquire our manner of living, and how to effectively communicate to the environment in relation to the experiences acquired, our values and ideas towards the society (Wilcox, 1998).
How is the world? How should we live? These religious symbols give a distinctive connection between the worldly views and our ethos. We ought to live and behave in a particular way because the world expects us to live in that particular way (Harris, et al, 2003). It is through the moods and motives that we aspire to and how we respond to the world that we define our ways of living. These symbols play a role in defining reality, how well it’s constructed, our values and expectations and how to fulfill and aim at these values (Frank, 2007).
The theme of "liberation" (that from which freedom is sought) and "salvation" (that which they hope to achieve or enter into).
Theme of "liberation: this focuses on the societal and political level in expressing ones aspiration towards oppression and inhumanity: it mainly focuses on the church and the poor. It outlines the Christian faith in regard to sufferings, pain and struggling with reference to the poor (Wilcox, 1998). It critiques the ideologies and the society at large for sustaining it and their lack of commitment in conflict resolution in a responsible way as well as expression of a neighborly love.
Theme of “salvation": it focuses on the creation of life, fall of mankind which was through his death, promises made to man by God through his covenant, the preparation of mankind through the Son of God, death and resurrection, t...
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