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A Canadian News Story Article: Analyzing Sociologically

Essay Instructions:

I would like that we analyze sociologically the provide main newspaper article (FILE:1_MAIN_NEWS_ARTICLE_Vancouver Sun.pdf) and i tried to find and upload some related reports and academic articles (i hope they are useful)


This assignment requires students to analyze sociologically a Canadian news story article of your choice. In this essay, you will be required to use sociological concepts and/or theory(ies) from class. As part of this assignment, students are required to draw and cite from the following sources listed above.

Assignments will be minimum (3) three pages in length, not including the title page and bibliography. Students will be evaluated on their ability to provide sociological analysis using concepts/theory(ies) from class to analyze the newspaper you have chosen.

You are therefore expected to:

a) identify relevant concepts and theory(ies) that can be used to examine your topic;

b) provide adequate definitions of the concepts and theory you’ll be operationalizing; and

c) to draw reasonable conclusions following your analysis.

Importantly, you are expected to provide in-text citations that paraphrase passages from the newspaper article, the textbook, and your peer-reviewed article. Paraphrasing is different from quoting, meaning that you summarize the quote in your own words, while providing an in-text citation that identifies for the reader the source of the information.

This assignment does not require any additional materials. If you wish to draw from other research on your topic for this assignment, go for it (just please do not cite Wikipedia). And don’t forget to use your sociological imaginations!


1) A title page with your name, the date, a title if appropriate, the name of your professor, TA, name and number of the course

2) A very short introduction to your topic that includes a thesis statement – 1 paragraph

3) Describe what sociological concepts/theory you’ll use to conduct your analysis. Then turn to the article you read. What is it about? (take the time to identify, define and explain any relevant key terms) – approx. 1-2 pages

4) Provide one or two examples from the article and/or textbook drawing in key concepts that relate to your topic (eg. status, class, race, gender, etc.) that help the reader to understand your topic(here you should be drawing on the text, assigned article and any additional research)– 1-3 paragraphs

5) A brief conclusion – (should remind the reader what you set out to do and summarize the key arguments discussed in your paper) – approx ½ a page.

6) Bibliography - include a complete bibliography of the sources used. FOR ALL ASSIGNMENTS USE THE AUTHOR-DATE VERSION OF APA FOR IN-TEXT CITATIONS AND BIBLIOGRAPHY. DO NOT USE FOOTNOTES OR ENDNOTES. Do not submit work that is not your own, as your own. Always make sure you acknowledge where you have gotten ideas.


Please use the following format for all assignments:

1) Times New Roman or Calibri 12 pt. font

2) Double-spaced (you can use sub-headings, but do not use triple spacing or leave large spaces between sections)

3) Use standard margins

4) Use subheadings if it helps you too organize your thoughts and stay on track

5) Provide page numbers (with the exception of the title page)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

A Canadian News Story Article: Analyzing Sociologically
Institutional Affiliation
A Canadian News Story Article: Analyzing Sociologically
Social isolationism has grown to become one of the main areas of concern in Canada, especially because it has drawn the attention of scholars and mainstream media. Social isolationism occurs when individuals in a given setting are in a complete state of disconnectedness with others emotionally, even when they appear to be connected physically. Humans are social beings, and they have a natural tendency of creating bonds wherever they interact. These bonds, however, tend to weaken in urban settings because of social heterogeneity. Vancouver has been significantly impacted by social isolationism, and it seems impossible for it to come out of this mire. This paper takes a sociological analytical approach to explore social isolation in Vancouver. The paper draws research information from newspapers and research articles to discuss the state of isolation in Vancouver, and urban environment contributes to isolationism.
Key Sociological Concepts and Theories used
Social isolationism
The state of losing complete contact with the society where one is supposed to belong. People may be living in the same environment, but hardly interact when ...
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