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Analysis of Political Attitudes and Beliefs of Gen Z

Essay Instructions:

Write the paper according to the professor's request, don't let the professor see that I didn't write it myself, and don't use too complicated vocabulary

Fieldwork Assignment #3: Analyzing political attitudes and beliefs.

Purpose of assignment: To facilitate student understanding of political attitudes and beliefs.

Description of assignment: Students will collect data for a public opinion survey on Marquette’s campus and analyze the results.

Fielding the Survey

In groups of two or three, you will identify four students (they must be at least 18 years of age) on campus who are willing to be surveyed as part of a class project.

  1. Select the students at random. One way of doing this is going to a crowded place on campus (e.g. dining hall / café) and counting the people you see at random, then approaching the fourth person you see. Do not interview your friends. Do not take the survey yourself and do not survey your classmates in POSC. 

Approach the person in a friendly way and ask if they are interested in helping you complete a survey project for class. If they say no, tell them thank you for their time and to have a nice day.

  1. Important: Read the instructions on the first page to the respondent and ensure they understand them before proceeding.
  1. Do not assist the respondents with the questions. The answers should be their own.
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Gen Z and Politics
Student’s Name
Due Date
Gen Z and Politics
* Observations
The sampled participants reported varying levels of interest in politics. Only 18 percent of the respondents followed politics most of the time, with the majority, 45 percent indicating that they followed politics only some of the time. Fourteen percent reported that they hardly followed what was going on in politics. In the same vein, the knowledgeability of the participants about politics was significantly limited. Only 21 percent were aware of the unemployment rate in the country, with 44.8 percent of the respondents unaware of the party that holds a majority in the Senate. Nonetheless, the participants were knowledgeable in some political questions as evidenced by 91 percent answering that the Republican Party is considered more conservative and 60 percent of the respondent being aware of the current French president.
In the final two questions, the heuristics (party support/MedPAC support/interest-group support for a position) influence the responses to the questions. The support for the policy to lower drug prices seems to decrease when the respondents realize that the policy is proposed by the Republic Party or a nonpartisan Medicare Payment Advisory Commission. On the other hand, a policy fronted by the Republican Party to provide an annual tax credit to family caregivers received more support compared to when the respondent thought that the Democratic Party or the American Association of Retired Persons proposed such a policy. The trend can be attributed to political mistrust whereby the respondents offered support when they assessed a given policy to be in line with the party’s ideology. Interest parties received lower support as the respondents viewed the policies they propose to be an advancement of their interest.
* Interpretations
The “topline” results do not largely diverge from the public opinions. On the other hand, the findings do not heavily diverge from the public opinion, which has largely shown that the majority of Gen Z tend to consider themselves as Indepe...
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