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Women Gender Study: Analysis of Living History by Hillary Clinton

Essay Instructions:

⦁ You will be required to analyze a feminist text of your choosing. “Text” here is used in the sense of the production of an academic or creative work. So this can be the writings of an influential feminist we have studied (or you would like to propose). Or, if it’s your academic background, a feminist literary work, a feminist art exhibit or theatrical or cinematic piece. Your analysis will need to be at least 4 pages long (standard font, 1” margins, double spaced, 11pt. font). You must use proper in-text citations and references (discussed further in class). Due in Canvas drop box by Monday, December 12th, 2018.


Craft your thesis statement. E.g. “This research will examine..."

Trim your thesis into a catchy informative, title (which doesn’t have to be set in stone yet). Your title goes up top and centered, immediately followed by the thesis statement.

Describe the scholarly sources you will use, you main source, and any supporting sources. (This does not have to be a complete list yet, but you should begin to locate and review them.)

Listed sources, in citation style. (Use citation format that relates to your major.) In a formal research outline, your references go directly into the body of the outline, in one of the following ways: (i) You can use an in-text citation after each bullet point; (ii) You can list the reference in full.

Place your explanation (indented) under each source. Your explanation should describe what the source is contributing to your research questions. An outline is normally written in expanded bullet point form, e.g., 1. (a) (i).

Explain the significance of your (anticipated) findings, to you, and to society, as you close.

This should be 1-2 double spaced pages long, with 1" margins all around.

Each project will be unique, and one of the aims of this exercise is receive individualized feedback in advance of the final.

Across that interim, you are always welcome to approach me directly with any challenges you may have.

There are also research librarians available to personally assist you in pinpointing scholarly sources.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Women and Gender Study: Analysis of “Living History” by Hillary Clinton
Institutional Affiliation
Course Title
Women and Gender Study: Analysis of “Living History” by Hillary Clinton
THESIS: This research will analyze Hillary Clinton’s book “Living History” (2003), particularly the text where she declares that the rights of women demand a similar treatment as human rights and compares the rest of other sections where she openly shows hyper-masculinity in a male-dominated society, especially in politics.
* Introduction
* Hillary Clinton and rights of women (Clinton, 2003)
* Analysis of text using sources
* Women’s rights (Clinton, 2003)
* Women, politics, and feminism (Oles-Acevado, 2012; Smith, 2012)
* Conclusion
Significance of findings
From the findings, it appears that politicians can invest energy is making false claims to clean their image in public. In her autobiography, “Living History” seems to be a campaign tool devised to woo the American voters by convincing them that women can also have a chance to run for top political positions. An article by Oles-Acevado (2012) analyzes how politicians create their images in public by applying Benoit's theory. While not exclusively employed, Benoit’s theory of public image is seen to have been a great tool Clinton used in her campaigns along with her speeches that reflected the power of women in American politics. She used gender and image.
In another article by Smith (2013), the authenticity of Clinton as a feminist or a woman fighting for the rights of women is questioned using her autobiography "Living History." She fails to identify the fact that the government at the time of writing, even to the present date, was largely masculinized. Despite such an intentional myopic approach to women's rights, she dedicates a chapter where she discusses issues of women's rights mainly to divert the readers' attention and deceive them that she is a true icon of feminism. In the chapter, she declares that women’s rights are human rights, a phrase that has been echoed by the United Nations Human Rights Commission to defend women rights in society.
The texts used in this paper are to criticize Hillary Clinton’s role and image as a feminist, as publicly perceived, and clarify that the autobiography is only a campaign tool that was supposed to prepare her for a win. It is a common trend for politicians to be careful about what they say or do in public to protect their image. For this reason, the autobiography was crafted to fulfill a political interest of the writer and Clinton's views about issues of women's rights in the memoir may not be taken seriously.
Annotated Bibliography
Oles-Acevado, D. (2012). Fixing the Hillary factor: Examining the trajectory of Hillary Clinton’s image repair from political bumbler to political powerhouse. American Communication Journal, 14(1), 33-46
Oles-Acevado (2012) criticizes the approach of public shows that Hillary Clinton has mastered in cleaning her image already tormented in the past with scandals ranging from the Monica Lewinsky’s case using the Benoit’s theory of public image repair. In the article, the author critically analyzes different image damaging incidents, which Clinton faced during the 1990s wh...
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