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2 pages/≈550 words
Social Sciences
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The Analysis and Interpretation of Qualitative Data.

Essay Instructions:

Write a background statement of approximately 2 pages that includes:

> What you have learned about social change as a social issue.

> What you have learned about social change as a research problem. Support your insights with academic citations from the Learning Resources.

> Describe the gap that your study will address.

> From the gap, create a brief purpose statement that is aligned with the following research question:

>>>What is the meaning of social change for Walden graduate students?

Attached are some learning resources as well as the research topic paper already written which is where you can find the gap. Additionally, you can find more resources in Walden's social change on https://www(dot)waldenu(dot)edu/about/social-change

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Analysis and Interpretation of Qualitative Data
The Analysis and Interpretation of Qualitative Data
For societies to change, they must re-organize and disorganize constantly. Therefore, social issues are part of the social change process. Communities that never change would encounter no social problems because all behaviors and organizations are organized neatly (Kezar, 2014). Social changes are considered as desirable in societies even as they bring about social issues. Social changes can, therefore, be brought about by the existence of social issues that need to be dealt with.
On the other hand, social issues can be as a result of social changes. In essence, change is normally necessitated by issues and issues can result from changes (Thomas, McGarty & Mavor, 2009). Therefore, the fact that a problem normally follows change is expected as a transitional step in implementing the change. To effectively implement social changes to address the social issues, there is a need to understand the causes of these social issues. Most social issues are never caused by evil people, but by demographic and technological changes.
In research, attempts have been made to determine the causes of social change. Specifically, the focus is on how change is initiated. Researchers further aim to find out for who or what purpose the social changes are initiated and what the consequences of the changes are. Researchers’ main interest in social change is its inevitability and the fact that its pace and causes vary over time (Aguinis & Glavas, 2012). In the past, social change was as a result of war, famine or diseases. However, in the more recent times, social change has majorly been due to technological changes (Blackwood, Livingstone & Leach, 2013). It is in the interest of the researchers to determine how technology is contributing to social change. Researchers have to determine how modernization is leading to technological change...
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