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Aging was Better in the Past or Aging is Better Today than in the Past

Essay Instructions:

Page 1: Debate this statement:
"Aging was better in the past." Or
"Aging is better today than in the past."
Page 2: read peers response to: Debate this statement:
"Aging was better in the past." Or
"Aging is better today than in the past." (What you write: Tell if you agree/disagree, what you like/dislike, any questions ask them, there is 2 peer responses, keep them separate.) 
Peer 1: Aging was better in the past." Or "Aging is better today than in the past."
To be honest, this is a tough debate for me. First of all, I don't personally have much experience with aging in the "past," as I live and age in the "today." I could very easily say "Aging is better today than in the past," mostly because of how modern technology is able to develop new medicines and new ways of life to extend our lives easier and cheaper than we could in the past. On the other hand, I could definitely say "Aging was better in the past," because in the past, we didn't have so much pollution or other things that make us age quicker. Life was just lived from beginning to end, and there were no worries about a thousand different types of cancers that we know about today. We live our lives so "carefully" today as to not get sick or diseased that we forget to live life, and with that comes stress, and with stress comes "age." I could sway either way in this debate, as there are always problems and mistakes that could be or could have been better. I have to say I'm standing on the "OR" in this debate.
Peer 2: 
Debate this statement: 
"Aging was better in the past." Or 
"Aging is better today than in the past."
This question is 100% subjective. It really depends on whether or not you would like to live to be nearly 30-40 years longer than your ancestors. There are pros and cons to living longer and there are pros and cons to living less time. In my opinion aging is clearly better today because with modern medicine people can live longer and more full lives. If you prefer to die at a younger age and avoid things such as Alzheimer’s or dementia, then aging would probably be better in the past. I would rather live longer in order to see more life events and watch my (potential) children/grandchildren grow up. I want to see revolutions and see more places in the world. I want to travel and enjoy my life for as long as I can.
Page 4: Using the interactionist perspective, answer the following questions:
1. What techniques do people use to appear older or younger than their years? (e.g. hair coloring, growing a moustache, etc.)
2. Why do people use these methods of impression management? How effective are they?
3. Do you use any techniques to manage the impression people have of your age? If so, describe some of these techniques. When and why do you use them?
4. Consider what people do when a person's impression management has failed (e.g., a toupee has slipped out of line or someone's hair color looks too obviously fake)?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

"Aging was better in the past." Or "Aging is better today than in the past."
Student Name
Professor Name
Course Title
"Aging was better in the past." Or "Aging is better today than in the past."
Supporting of either of the statements or disagreeing can be based on people perception of how life in past was as they have not experienced but heard from elderly people stories, and through reading published articles and books. Many elderly people tell stories how good life was during their youthful ages, but it’s up to someone to contrast between life in the past and present, then conclude which offered high life expectancy and better aging. The paper will cover arguments which support aging in the past and those which agree aging is better today than in the past.
Aging can be considered better in the past basing on factors such as nonexistence of deadly diseases such as HIV/AIDS, cancers and other rare conditions which are responsible for high mortality rate in present days. In addition, absence of modern technology in the past to make work easier made many tasks to be done manually which helped people in keeping the body fit.
On the other hand, aging is better today than in the past when various factors are considered. Technological advancement has improved the human health through introduction of preventive care such as immunization of people against diseases such as measles, polio and smallpox which were attributed for big mortality rate of children during the past. In addition, availability of medicines to treat sexually transmitted diseases such as gonorrhea and syphilis has helped ease the pain undergone by patients during the past when curatives medicines for such diseases were not present. Moreover, better living standard particularly nutritious diets and clean drinking water has reduced infections caused by contaminated water and malnutrition.
Peer 1
Peer 1 has supported both statements by giving various factors which makes aging to be better in the past or better today than in the past. Peer 1 argues aging to be better today because of new technology which has developed new medicines which are easily accessible. Moreover, the present technology has created new ways of life which prolong lives easier. The paper agrees with peer 1 view that contemporary technology greatly improved and extended lives of people today. Technology has developed medicines to treat illnesses which were responsible for premature deaths before aging. The telemedicine concept has helped doctors to communicate with medical experts from other hospitals to seek information about patient illnesses. The concept has helped diagnosis and treatment of critical conditions without requiring patients to travel.
On the other hand, peer 1 support aging to be better in the past as no industries emitted toxic gases which polluted the environment. In addition, peer 1 notes nonexistence of many types of cancers present today extended lives. The paper concurs with peer 1 ...
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