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Aggression Essay

Essay Instructions:
The purpose of this assignment is to analyze a concept related to psychology. The student can choose any topic discussed in this course. While any topic can be the focus of this paper, it is recommended that the student discuss the chosen topic with the instructor before writing the paper. Written Assignment #2 is worth 250 points or 25% of the final grade in the course. The project will be between 3-5 pages in length (not including title page or reference page). No outside sources are required for this written assignment. However, if the student feels that some would be appropriate, he/she is welcomed to use outside sources and site whatever sources are used.
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Psychology defines aggression as a tendency that leads to self-assertion, which may arise, from innate drives or a reaction to frustration. It may be manifested through attacking and destructive behavior by obstruction or hostility, or articulacy drive to mastery. Aggressiveness is a constant group characteristic or individual deposition that is manifested through the frequency, mode as well as intensity of aggressive behavior, being considered as one of fundamental characteristics of humankind. Moreover, it has an inborn foundation but its intensity, frequency as form is usually obtained during life, which can be controlled by the environment. There is great need to analyze the concept of aggression as related to psychology(Baron, & Deborah, 2004).
The neural explanation of the cause of aggression state that aggression behavior tends to be aroused or restrained through the inspiration of neural systems. As the scientists, proceed to test a number of parts of the brain to assess their effects on aggression, some two areas believed to directly affect or regulate aggression are already found. The Amygdala effects in augmented aggressive trend and lesions of the area reduce an individual’s competitive drive as well as aggression. In addition, hypothalamus is understood to perform a regulatory position in aggression, as it is illustrated as a causal for aggressive behavior in occasions where it is electrically stimulated. Hypothalamus also contains receptors, which help in determining the levels of aggression based on their relations with the vasopressin and neurotransmitters. The neurobiological causes for aggression can be factors like cognition, arousal, as well as biology.
The research performed for the past few decades have come up with a wide selection of causes of recurring increases as well as decreases of aggression. The severe violent and aggression occurs hardly ever takes place unless there exist a convergence of numerous impulsive situational instigators as well as numerous inclining personological characteristics. Aggression at times is accompanied by violence that some psychologists blame on the observation from the video games or other sources that encourages violent scenes. Regardless of the opposition from some scholars, these psychologists argue that violent media tends to cause aggressive behaviors in the reality. Some meta-analysis has examined both experimental and correlational research in various cultures in order to find out the truth about the causes of aggression. The said studies find video games amongst many other violent views to be the source of aggression. This may not be the case with all the individuals with the behavior of aggression but it has played a considerable share of contributing to more violent caused by aggression. this is because even a small medium result at the standard causes of tripling or doubling of the number of individuals that are increasingly aggressive after participating in playing a violent game. Yet, many people refuse to take an action regarding the same because they do not want to believe that violent video games can be harmful to their children, because of the fact of being interesting and fun (Baron, & Deborah, 2004). Even though watching and playing violent video games may not be blamed entirely for aggression, many children engage in violent activities as they wish to experiment what they saw on the video games. A Person factor may lead to aggressiveness or non-aggressive behavior since it includes all the characteristics that an individual may bring to the situation like the personality traits, genetic predispositions as well as attitudes. The stable person factors can be termed as the ones shows consistency with time, across situations or both.
The consistency is an effect of the individual’s steady employment of scripts, schemata as well as other awareness structures. Personality can be realistically being termed as an amount of the structures of an individual. The knowledge influence is likely to influence the kind of situation that an individual tends to seek out and the kind of situation that ought to be avoided and it further contributes to trait-like constancy. In addition, the occurrence of gender may cause different tendencies of aggression, particularly when considering the violent behaviors performed in aggravated assault and homicide. For instance, the ratio of female to male murderous in a country like United States is around one is to ten, a report developed by the FBI from the year nineteen fifty-one to nineteen ninety-six. The types of aggression that are preferred also differ from women to men, as males choose direct aggression and women prefer the indirect aggression. A certain developing research implies that numerous differences in such a case may be caused by the distinct socialization experiences. For instance, males tend to be more upset because of sexual unfaithfulness of their mates as compared to emotional infidelity, while women experience the opposite pattern. Therefore, t...
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