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Canadian Security Operations Changes Following 9/11 Social Essay

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I need this to be 2nd year college level writing. 1200 words.

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Operations in the post 9\11 era and how it is linked to Canada's security
9/11 events in the United States compelled the Canadian government to rethink about its security. 9/11 events ushered in a new war against terrorism and prompted every rational government in the world to rethink their preparedness and preventive strategies it had against it. The defense system was restructured to ensure Canada did not suffer the same fate as its neighbor to the South. It even changed the Canadians perception and their willingness to allow armed intervention of their security forces abroad something which was unthinkable before 9/11. Clearly, it was a defining moment in the Canadian approach and involvement in ensuring its security at home and globally. This essay explores some of the immediate and long-term decisions and actions that were taken by the Canadian government with a particular focus on Afghanistan.
Canada found out that security does not only involve mediating peace in war-torn countries through dialogue. There is a need for force in some cases. The events of 9/11 were a wakeup call to the Canadian government to find ways of anticipating and avoiding terrorism within its borders(Veterans Affairs Canada). It, therefore, called for identifying the origin of potential terrorists and going after them before they could attack Canada. At the time, Terrorism could be traced back to political instability in Afghanistan and the rise of insurgent groups such as Taliban and Al Qaeda. Al Qaeda planned and executed the 9/11 bombing of several US commercial centers and government institutions. Therefore, there was a need for Canada to play offensive rather than neutral if they had to defeat these terrorist groups. The best way was to take the war to them rather than waiting to defend your territory at home. Just like other countries, the Canadian government adopted a hybrid approach to tackle terrorism which entailed sending troops to weaken or defeat the Taliban in Afghanistan rather than at home and Canada stepped up its military strength within its borders to prevent further attacks.
Canada restructured its laws to lawfully allow the government to declare war on citizens in another country. Before 9/11, the legislative framework was a bit restrictive and could not guarantee that Canada could win the war on terrorism effectively without being offensive. Before 9/11, the major legislative framework was The National Defense Act and the Emergency Preparedness Act which laid out the manner in which the CAF and civil society worked (Reading 1 Module 3). Now the government restructured the law such that it could declare war on another country. Canadian forces were then moved overseas en masse to destroy potential threats to its security before they could come to its. Canada had witnessed firsthand how armed militia indoctrinated with anti-western dogma was a threat to its safety. Canada was also justified to invade belligerent countries to seek out the planners, perpetrators, and executers of heinous terrorist activities in North America. Even in the recent CAF policies, one of their objectives is to defend North America and contribute to inter...
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