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3-1, 3-2 and 4-1 Assignment: Developmental Psychopathology

Essay Instructions:

I need this order in 10 days. I send you the index title pages you can look at them and tell me if you can use any of them and I will send it to you from my school book which is the DSM-5. I sended the pages I thought you could use. I need in text citations and a reference page. Please do not use materials and references before the year 2000 it is too old. please use from the year 2000 to the present. 2.17 is what I added because I thought it would help[. Please make one of the references the book please . Please answer each question in details

Essay Sample Content Preview:
3-1, 3-2 AND 4-1: Developmental psychopathology
3-1 Childhood disorders often gain popularity during a specific time, such as Autism and ADHD. Select a commonly diagnosed childhood disorder and discuss. Why is it currently in vogue? Be sure to include in your discussion thoughts about medication trends, media attention, etc.
3-2 How can a therapist determine if a child’s presenting issue can be accounted for based on typical development (e.g., Piaget’s theory of cognitive development, Erik Erikson’s psychosocial stages) or determine that the issue is pathological in nature? Provide at least one specific example in your response.
4-1 What are some of the challenges in diagnosing an individual with persistent depressive disorder or cyclothymic disorder versus their more severe counterparts? Explain with examples.
There has been interest on how well to integrate meet the needs of children with autism, who find it more difficult to relate with their peers, Children with autism tend to be isolated and indifferent to the world around, and are more likely to have developmental delays including speech, language, intelligence and cognitive functionality. The onset of autism is infancy or childhood and is characterized by self-injuring or self-stimulating behaviors Dziegielewski (2015) and APA (2015). Even as there is a need to study and understand the autism spectrum disorders, American children may be overmedicated Autism is in vogue even as there are broad terms that define the condition, that children can fit in after observation even when there is no neurological testing. For instance, as children grow up those who do not make eye contact may appear awkward, but some are shy while the environment also influence. There has been a rise in diagnosis of children with autism, as the definition of autism spectrum disorders is broad more than ever before.
Therapists can look at whether there are developmental delays and distinguish them from pathology. Even as children grow and develop at their own pace, they are expected to have certain skills at different age including cognitive, social, emotional, and motor and language skills, as well as vision. Piaget’s the...
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