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Worldviews and Questions on Biblical Worldview

Essay Instructions:

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This assignment is designed to help you understand the term worldview, and how important it is to have a consistent, coherent, and adequate worldview as you interact with others. Everyone has a worldview, though none of us have a perfectly consistent worldview, especially in how we apply it to our decision-making. There are five worldview questions that can help you know your own worldview and the worldviews of others. The Biblical Worldview uses the Bible to help answer these questions (2 Timothy 3:16). However, it is one thing to know how the Biblical Worldview would answer a question, and quite another to use that worldview to answer practical, contemporary, questions (2 Timothy 3:17; 1 Corinthians 10:31).


For this assignment you are to define the term worldview (75 – 100 words), answer the five worldview questions from a Biblical Worldview (400 – 500 words), and apply that Biblical Worldview to two of four practical questions from a list of options (100 – 150 words). You are writing a research paper, so this assignment should be written in paragraph format. Headers may be used to introduce each part.

 Cover page – This is the first page to be included in your paper. (This should be formatted according to the style (APA, MLA, Turabian) that you will be using for this assignment. See the sample paper in the Writing Style Guide link for formatting instructions). If you are using APA, an Abstract is not required.

 Content pages – These pages will contain your content and fulfill the requirements as listed below.

Note: Add the word count after each part.

Part 1 (75 – 100 words) What is a worldview? Define what the term “worldview” means. Use descriptive phrases to support your definition. Use and cite content from at least one or two sources in this part to define the term.

Part 2 (400 – 500 words) Articulate the biblical worldview’s answer (what is believed) for each of the following five questions*. Support your biblical content with scripture (Bible references). A minimum of two relevant biblical references needs to be used to support the content for each of the five questions below. Do not write out the verses as it takes up too much of your word count. Just state the biblical idea and cite the biblical text to support it. Use the Writing Style Guide sample paper for how to cite scripture. Each of the five questions must be answered in a separate paragraph.

The Question of Origin – (What is the origin of the universe etc.? How did humanity come into existence?)

The Question of Identity – (What does it mean to be human? Are humans more important than other living things?)

The Question of Meaning/Purpose – (What is humanity’s purpose?)

The Question of Morality – (What is meant by right and wrong? How is morality determined?)

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The Question of Destiny – (What happens when a person dies?)

*An overview of these specific worldview questions can be found in chapter 4 of Finding

Your Worldview: Thinking Christianly about the World.

Part 3 (100 – 150 words) Choose two of the following questions below and answer them from a biblical worldview belief system. (Use and cite scripture to support your biblical content.)

How might/should a biblical worldview influence the way you...

1. ...think about and treat a person who doesn’t hold your beliefs?

2. ...vote in local or national elections?

3. ...act toward a family member who is hard to get along with and is unkind?

4. ...decide what to do when asked to do something unethical at work?

 Bibliography/References/Works Cited page

a. In addition to the in-text citations, a Bibliography/Reference or Works Cited page must be included.

b. A minimum of three different sources must be used and cited in the body of your paper and added here.

1. Use academic sources for your paper. (For example, do not include blogs, social media, opinion pages, or Wikipedia.)

2. At least one of the sources must be outside of the materials used in this course (this would include the Bible, any required reading or videos, and the required textbooks).

c. You are also encouraged to view the Writing Style Guide located in the Student

Responsibilities tab of the Course Overview. Once you access the Student

Responsibilities area, scroll down to locate the link to the Writing Style Guide.

You will then visit the official style guides (i.e., APA, MLA, or Turabian) required in formulating your assignment.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Code and Name
Instructor’s Name
Due Date
Part One: Worldview
People hold different perspectives of the world and everything in it. The different views may be influenced by culture, religion and spirituality, societal norms, and education/cognitive reformation (Erdvig, 2020). These perspectives are referred to as worldviews. A worldview is a philosophical view of the world that shapes and directs the different human experiences. Additionally, worldviews significantly influence opinions such as ethical principles, moral standards, and politics. Worldviews can be described at both individual and societal levels (Weider & Gutierrez, 2014). Two people may hold completely different worldviews, although they may share certain fundamental beliefs and perspectives (Brandt & Crawford, 2020). In society, some worldviews may present more boldly than others, influencing the culture of that particular society.
Word Count: 117
Part Two: The Biblical Worldview
The Question of Origin
The biblical worldview describes the origin of humanity as divine, where God created man and gave him breath. Adam, the father of all humanity, was created by God with a purpose, to look after the other creation (International Bible Society, New International Version, 1997, Gen. 1:26). After God saw how lonely Adam was, He created him a woman and named her Eve. The woman's purpose was to be a worthy companion to Adam and help him procreate and fill the world (Gen 2: 18). The sole purpose of the human race was for them to make the world a better place, serve God, and emulate God's standards.
The Question of Identity
The biblical worldview describes the identity of humans as that of God. Christians believe that all people are created in God's image. Further, they have been gifted with creativity and intellectuality so that they may be able to make better and more coherent decisions over all the other creations. Christians are further encouraged to follow Jesus' model and emulate his identity by playing a significant role in practicing the great commission of discipleship (Matthew 28: 16-20). Humans are not more important than other creations, but they are more gifted and given power over them all (Gen 2:19). Humans are expected to be God’s stewards by following Jesus’ steps.
The Question of Meaning/Purpose
The biblical worldview describes that God created everything, all for His pleasure (Revelations 4:11). Every human being was created and well molded according to God's image and was expected to live a life that aligns with His will. Christians interpret this will as to love and always place God first over all things in...
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