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Different Ways Jesus Is Presented Than In The Synoptic Gospels

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Different Ways Jesus Is Presented Than In The Synoptic Gospels

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Final Exam
“Jesus in the Gospel of John”
* Different ways Jesus is presented than in the synoptic Gospels
* Prologue
* I AM sayings
In the Gospel of John, Jesus is presented as both God and the Son of God. There are several references in the book of John where Jesus is presented as God and also as the Son like in John 3:16. Additionally, there are a lot of “I AM” sayings for example, “I am the bread of life…” in John 6:48, John 8:12, “I am the light of the world”, John 8:58, “I tell you the truth, Jesus answered, before Abraham was born, I am” etc. In all the above verses, Jesus is using the same reference God used when He presented Himself to Moses in the form of a burning bush. It is, therefore, evident that the book of John presents Jesus differently than the other gospels.
Paul and the Church as the Body of Christ
Paul comes to terms with the idea of Christians being the body of Christ when he was still Saul. As he was heading to Damascus, he hears a loud voice asking him why he is persecuting him “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?” He asks: “Who art you, Lord?”, and the voice answers: “I am Jesus whom you are persecuting” (Acts 9:4-5). First of all, from the above one gathers that there is a deep connection between Jesus and the Christians because he sees them as part of Him. Secondly, the Church being the body of Christ also brings into perspective the fact that the Church is indeed living with the head being Jesus, who nourishes, guides and sustains it. Therefore, as an individual, it is impossible to survive outside the Church because one will be devoid of the connection to Christ.
“The challenge to follow Jesus Today”
* Based on three specific sayings of Jesus
* Mathew 27:46 where Jesus says “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?”
Trouble often has the power to make a person give up on their ideals and beliefs. In this statement, Jesus was crying out to God after being crucified. However, it is essential to note that he gave himself and yielded into the will of God first. Christians, on the other hand, use this statement before understanding neither the Will of God nor His plans for them.
* Mark 14:27 where Jesus says “You will all...
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