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Understanding the Teachings and Concepts of Eightfold Path

Essay Instructions:

Read the textbook on PART 4: Buddhism, chapter 13 (p. 191-201) & chapter 14 (p. 202-217). Type, upload, and have ready to discuss in class, a one page précis for chapter 13 and a one page précis for chapter 14, each summarizing what you believe to be most important three things you learned in each chapter. Remember to use quotations and page citations.

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Chapter 13
Buddhism involves many forms of tradition from the culture of those who practice it. In chapter 13, the focus is on Westerners' perspectives and other religions such as Christianity. The teachings and concepts about the eightfold path, the conventional self, and Buddhist practices are crucial things that I have learned in this chapter.
The eightfold path consists of subcategories, namely, virtue, mental discipline, and wisdom, which also has subcategories involving aspects of life such as speech, actions, mindfulness, concentration, understanding, etc. Buddhist way of life. This also promotes gentleness, such as valuing even the insect's life, preventing the Buddhists from killing it even when it is already biting them. The eightfold path also values meditation, and it is also emphasized in other teachings of Buddhism. This practice of meditation aims to obtain a positive mental state, similar to the qualities of Buddha.
Another interesting topic is the sense of self or the lack thereof. It was discussed that "dependent co-arising" wherein everything is related, causing an effect on the other. This concept helps man to disassociate from worldly experiences. In the chapter, the superficiality present in being a man is recognized and is said to be made up of impersonal aggregates, namely, perception, feeling, materiality, mental formation, and consciousness (Gonsalves, 2015).
Lastly, the Buddhist practices, specifically the four meditations or the Brahma Viharas, were discussed. These are compassion, loving-kindness, sympathetic joy, and equanimity, which speak ...
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