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The Five Vest Pocket Rules – Interpreting Syntactically

Essay Instructions:

Based on the work you have done up to this point on Philippians 2:5-11:

Identify what you consider to be the 10 most important words in the text. These should be the words that if you better understood them in Paul’s literature, you would better understand this text.

To help you get started, the word emptied in 2:7 is one of the most important theological words in the NT when it comes to “incarnation” – God becoming a man (think John 1:14)

So . . . find 9 other key words that have great impact on what this text means.

Use a concordance (there is a presentation about how to use the New International Version Exhaustive Concordance in the resources of this course) or a good, academic Bible Dictionary (for example: Vine’s Complete Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words, Vine, Unger, and White, editors) and write a sentence or two definition of what you think Paul means by using these words. Remember the fundamental principle we have already seen in this class is that usage determines meaning. At least try learning to use the concordance on several of these words and learn what a great Bible study tool it can be. Also – if you use a dictionary – it must be an academic one. If in doubt, ask the instructor before doing the work. Remember "study Bibles" are not academic resources!

Grammar – finding the subject of a sentence, the main verb of a sentence, direct and indirect objects, pronouns and their antecedents, etc. is an important part of interpreting. We do this automatically in our brains. If we didn’t, we couldn’t read and comprehend. The more attention we pay to thinking clearly about grammar, the better we will do not only with the Bible, but with anything we want to learn.

Review the PP on The Five Vest Pocket Rules – Interpreting Syntactically.

Without trying to get too complicated – or confusing! – identify any relevant grammar issues you see in this text. For example, the first word in 2:6 is “who” – that’s a pronoun, which means it has an antecedent – it is standing for an already stated noun. What is the antecedent of “who?’ The correct answer is “Christ Jesus” of v. 5.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The Five Vest Pocket Rules – Interpreting Syntactically
Research Exercise Step 3: Philippians 2:5-11 Start Assignment
Apostle Paul’s epistle to the Philippians was a heartfelt message filled with joy and concern. In Philippians 2:5-11, Paul used phrases with profound meaning, hoping to get his message across. The first phrase is in Philippians 2:7. In this word, Paul talks about incarnation. He gives an example of Christ's transformation, taking the nature of a human being and appearing in human likeness. In Philippians 2:5, Paul talks about humility. He shares his message to the church by using Christ's attitude as an example. Paul emphasizes to the Philippians the importance of staying humble, and he states that Philippians must emulate the ways and practices of Christ. In Philippians 2:6, Paul introduces a content, Christ. He describes Christ as being of similar likeness to God. Although Christ had the nature of God, Paul illustrates Him as being content because Christ was okay with the form He took. In Philippians 2:8, Paul talks about obedience. Paul teaches his church about obedience and gives an example of Christ. In Paul’s illustration, Christ remained obedient and trustful in God, despite Him knowing His death was near.
In Philippians 2:9, Paul talks about achieving a state of exaltation. Paul describes the ultimate state that Philippians will achieve if they stay faithful to Christ’s teachings and if they would in His ways. Paul further illustrates the virtue of joy in Philippians 2:7. Paul describes Christ as taking the nature of a servant and appearing like a typical human being. This word illustrates that Christ found joy in living a simple life. Paul further illustrates the virtue of respect in Philippians 2:8. Paul shows that during Christ’s time on earth, He always maintained respect for God even though He knew He would die in the end. In Philippians 2:10, Paul talks about attaining the status of the magnificent saviour. Paul, using the example of Christ, illustrates that God rewarded Christ for staying faithful to Him. God raises Christ’s status to one of magnificence because at the mention of His name, all knees will bend, and all heads will bow. The most critical message Paul passes onto the Philippians is love, as stated in Philippians 2:5. Paul's word insists on Philippians showing love towards each other. He emphasizes this virtue by supporting it with Christ's examp...
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