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Religion & Theology
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Comparison of Two Local Church Websites

Essay Instructions:

(Option F, 4-5 pages) Compare and contrast the following two local church websites: www(dot)beatitudeschurch(dot)org/ and www(dot)2911church(dot)com/ In your analysis cover the following: 1. Based on browsing their websites, which church would you attend and why? 2. Does the church you chose belong to a denomination? Is it a winning or losing denomination? 3. Which minister is more appealing and or inviting? 4. Which church more closely represents pop culture? 5. What are the major differences between these two churches?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Religion & Theology
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Religion & Theology
There is a magnificent garden in the chapel of the Beatitudes. A verse taken from the Sermon on the Mount is along the way leading to the Church. Barluzzi tried the churches he designed to tell a tale and constructed an octagonal church here. In this example, the eight sides mirror the eight verses, although usually, the emphasis of the octagonal churches is the middle one. Panoramic windows at the level of the eye highlight the spirit of education and not the construction itself (Arizona, 2018). You will notice the seven qualities listed on the floor of the Church, which include: chastity, humility, charity, care, and patience. On the eighth side, near the entrance, an inscription had been dedicated to the Italian fascist dictator, Benito Mussolini, who stated that the cathedral was erected in his 15th year. This is because the Italian government contributed to site financing. In 1970, the inscription was altered to 'Lavs Tibi Christe, meaning "we adore you, Christ."
There were several contemporary churches in Israel where old churches had stood closer to the real places where Jesus was preaching and doing miracles. This is true of Tabgha, Gethsemane, and many other churches integrating the archeology of the crusaders or the Byzantine church formerly there (Stefanovic, 2015). On the coast of the Sea of Galilee were the ruins of the Byzantine church of the Beatitudes unearthed. Yet, Antonio Barluzzi, an Italian architect, opted to put the new Church many hands above a mountain. The spirit of the Sermon on the Mount was emphasized, and he was willing to use the wonderful Galilee perspective of the territory where Jesus carried out his mission (Stefanovic, 2015). Unlike many other churches, this is not a place where Jesus performed a miracle or a major event, but his doctrine.
"Christian" indicates that our understanding of God and self in Jesus is authored with a developing perspective (Arizona, 2018). Although the human account of the life and teachings of Jesus is taken, we nevertheless may discern in Him the quality of love, compassion, and impartiality, both divine and human. The Church of Beatitudes recognizes all philosophies and religions founded on the idea of love towards others. The spiritual community does not accommodate individuals who discuss racial, sexual, or gender identity, mental or physical skill/history, and a socio-economic position by public action or words against others.
For the 2911 church, The vision is the Church which reaches more than 20.000 people who live in the county of North Jefferson who does not belong to any Religious community because they are a church without culture that alienates the unchurched; the Church of anybody by providing love, affirmation, and pardon to everyone, especially the people without a church context; A missionary Church that provides everyone a chance, an area to serve God together with their training and support (Pitts, 2017). A church with a missionary goal beyond itself. 29:11 is a church for everyone, but it could not be a church for all. They strive hard to avoid traditions because they are barriers to achieving the unchurched. And we will abolish the regulation of 20/80 (That says 20 percent of the people do 80 percent of the work). It seems that the churches have selected and become the cause of one part of Christianit...
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