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Reflection Essay On Teachings That Are Found In The Gospel

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There are quite a number of teachings that are found in the gospel. More importantly, there are number of teachings that were brought forth by a good majority of the writers in the bible. Before Jesus came, there were a number of accounts that indicated his coming. At the same time, there were accounts that indicated his level of significance. One of them being that he is the word. As part of the holy trinity, Jesus is God. What is more interesting is the fact that, in reference to the gospel by John, Jesus was the word. John also indicates that the word was there in the beginning and that word was God. This is to mean that, Jesus is God. There is an element of equality that associated with the holy trinity, in which, the holy spirit, the son and God are all equal.
The gospel according to Matthew indicates some very cryptic texts that are associated with blessings. The beatitudes are part of the eight blessings that are documented by Matthew and they are all thematic. They act as a guide to the Christians relative to the fact that they formed of two parts; a condition and the result. Christians are given the choice of living in reference to a certain condition from which there is a blessing that is also associated with happiness. These can also be seen as a set of laws which Christians are expected to live by and they also come with a reward.
The majority of the teachings in the bible are from what Jesus taught his disciples and to the people he met wherever he visited to preach the gospel. As part of his teachings, Jesus encourages the people to be good neighbors. This is to mean that one should love their neighbors as much as they love themselves. As such, they should always look after one another in the way that they would look after themselves. This is a teaching that comes across in the parable of the good Samaritan, relative to the kindness and care that he showed the man that he found on his way to Jerusalem. By example, during the last supper, Jesus is seen to share the last meal with all the disciples including the one that would eventually betray him. Despite his heinous acts, Judas shares a meal with Jesus. In crucifixion, Jesus is also seen to show that much love that he had for his people. For this reason, he is seen to die to their sins. This is a selfless act that is also seen in the teachings that gave about the good Samaritan. He gave his life so as to save the human kind. During his teachings and before he had been crucified, Jesus had always taught about selfless love. It is this kind of love he then displays as an example to the disciples and to the rest of the Christians across the globe. His resurrection can also be seen as the reward that comes with the condition in the element of selfless love. Going back to the beatitudes, the condition and th...
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