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Paul's 3 Missionary Journeys

Essay Instructions:

Write a 500-word essay summarizing the geography, ministry, dating, imprisonment and letter-writing of each of Paul's 3 missionary journeys. Make sure to point out the unique features of each journey as you engage the textbook.

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Paul’s 3 Missionary Journeys
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Paul’s 3 Missionary Journeys
Paul is one of the greatest missionaries of all times in the Bible. Before his name was changed to Paul, he was known as Saul, a Jewish name. Just after the death and resurrection of Jesus, Paul, who was by then known as Saul, tried his best to destroy the Christian church, including the execution of the first martyr in the Bible known as Stephen (Acts 7:55-8:4). On one of his journeys to continue destroying Christianity, he met the Lord, repented his sins, and became a Christian. After becoming a Christian, he started the three-missionary journeys of preaching the word of God in many different states, trade routes, and coastal towns (Little, 2016).
The first missionary journey is recorded in Acts 13-14; Paul carried on this journey with Barnabus and John Mark as their helper around 46 to 48 A.D. They were separated by the holy spirit and sent on the journey by the church, they left the church at Antioch in Syria headed to Cyrus, and their first mission was to preach in the town synagogues (Wilson, 2019). During this first journey, the two preachers met the false prophet in one of the Islands, who tried to turn people, including the proconsul, away from the truth. The false prophet was made blind by the power of the holy spirit that had come over Paul. John Mark left Paul and Barnabus in Perga Pamphylia, where they headed after leaving Cyrus, and after there, they reached Pisidian Antioch. Paul converted many people; however, issues arose when the people tried to execute them as Paul was stoned close to dying. They left those places and continued their journey to places like Debre, Lystra, Attalia, and during this journey, Paul wrote a letter to the Galatians known as his first epistle (Wilson, 2019).
The second journey is written in the book of Acts 16-18, and it lasted from 49 to 52 A.D; in this journey, Barnabas and Paul disagreed on the locations to go, and they had to split up, so Barnabas went with John Mark, and Paul...
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