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Music and Dance in Different Religions

Essay Instructions:

Two essays (worth 5-pts. each) – Due Monday, December 13 (11:59 pm)

In each essay choose music and dance as the theme. (Each essay should focus on a different theme.)

In each essay, show how this theme is portrayed differently in the paths to connect with the god(s) in three different religions covered this semester. Both essays should cover three different religions so that overall, you have discussed six religions in two essays. The eight religions explored this semester are:





Ancient Greek





Essays should be typed in 12-pt. font and double-spaced. Concise, well-supported essays will run approximately 3-pages each (1-page per religion). That is just a guideline. There are no minimum or maximum word counts. Essays should have one clear argument well-supported by course materials. Any ideas or phrases used from texts outside the course needs to be properly cited. Both essays should be saved as one file and submitted through Turnitin on our course site.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Music and Dance in Religion
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Music and Dance in Religion
Essay 1 Theme: Dance
How Dance in Hinduism is Portrayed Differently to Connect to the god(s)
Dance has often played an essential role among the Indians because of its role in connecting the people to their gods. The Indians believe that the gods invented dance, which is one of the most appreciated Hindu arts because of its ability to incorporate melody, drama, form, and line. The Hind gods, such as Siva and Krsna are dancers. Therefore, humans also dance as a show of devotion to the gods.
Indian dances are posited to have their origins in dances and rituals of the period of the Vedas, which is traceable back to 1000BC. Traditional Indian religious texts described creation in terms of dance and in the Indian mythology, Shiva is able to create or destroy the universe through dance. The importance of dance to the Indians is depicted in sculptures from all over the society and from many different historical periods before A.D. 1000 (Hays, 2015). There are several classical dancers who are based on ancient sculptures and according to the Indian communities, dance is sacred as it evolved from religious rituals and shamanist practices.
Therefore, dance serves as a way of both communicating and showing devotion to the gods among the Indians. The different dance styles are linked to a particular Hindu god or a story or an episode and all of them show a special connection or devotion to the particular god. Therefore, just as there are different types and forms of dances, so are the different types of the gods. All of these dances are structured around expressions in terms of emotion, happiness, sorrow, anger, compassion, disgust, wonder, fear, courage, and serenity.
How Dance in Ancient Greek is Portrayed Differently to Connect to the god(s)
Dance had a significant influence among the ancient Greek in their daily interactions. The members did not only dance on several occasions, they also acknowledge other non-performative exercises such as ball-playing or rhythmic physical exercises as forms of dance. According to the Greek society, dancing was natural response of the body, mind, and soul to music (Choubibeh, 2021). According to the Greek mythology, dance was an essential aspect as evident in its association with the different gods. For example, Apollo, the god of medicine, music and poetry, who was also the son of the chief god Zeus, was known as The Dancer. Zeus himself is also represented as dancing.
Dance among the Greek would accompany all the important transitions in life, including transition to puberty, adulthood, marriage life, and death. The members participated in dance as a way of acknowledging the role of the gods in their lives. Since they recognized the gods as the founders of the art, dancing was a way of acknowledging and appreciating them for their gift of life and for allowing them to move from one stage of life to another.
The members also used dance to invoke the presence of the gods and to make their requests known. The members went to “chorostasi”, a place where they performed the dance to meet the divine realm. In these places, people belonging to the same age, race, and class or those who had a common purpose met to deliberate on their issues (Georgios et al., 2017). Therefore, dance was also used as a uniting force that made people to recognize each other and the divine group where they wanted to present their grievances.
How Dance in Daoism is Portrayed Differently to Connect to the god(s)
Dao is one of the major religions in Taiwan and significantly shape people’s ways of living. Their temple activities reflect their culture and trends. Dance is one of the religious practices among the society members that is not only used for entertainment, but also for dedication to the gods. The practice does not only reveal extreme joy and sorrow, it also serves as the witchcraft and the religious ritual that defines the people’s cultural practices.
Dance in the Daoism religion had different connotations, all which served a specific meaning. For example, there was the sacrificial dance, which served as a primitive dance and under the power of the primitive religious beliefs, it was used as an idol of beauty. It was also used as a spiritual pillar that encouraged community groups to fight against nature.
The members also use the ritual practice to communicate to the gods of the underground. Communication to the God in heaven was a preserve of the emperor. Consequently, the people could only communicate with the ghosts and the best way to achieve this was through the dance ritual. The members performed the dance in different ways including head shaking, shoulders trembling, and hands and feet dancing.
All these movements constituted four visual elements: the masks, stride steps, music rhythms, and facial decoration. All those activities reduced the distance between God and man (Yang, 2018). The spiritual believers were able to achieve great comfort and consolation after performing the dance. Therefore, the dance was used to appease and appeal to the gods, which culminated in a state of peace of the performers.
Choubineh, N. (2021, Decemb...
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