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Religion & Theology
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Module 2 Assignment Religion & Theology Essay Paper

Essay Instructions:

Read the textbook PART 1: Judaism, chapter 1 (p. 17-29) & chapter 2 (p. 30-47) - BOTH FILES ARE ATTACHED here:

STU-Judaism-Part-I.pdf Preview the document

STU-Judaism-Part-II.pdfPreview the document

Type, upload, and have ready to discuss in class, a one page précis for part 1 and a one page précis for part 2, each summarizing what you believe to be most important three things you learned in each chapter. Remember to use quotations and page citations.

Submission Instructions:

You must include 3 quotations of content from each chapter and 3 citations (Author, page#) for each chapter precis paper.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Judaism vs. Christianity: History of Internal Rivalry
Institution/ Affiliation
Module two assignment
For many years, Judaism and Christianity have attracted contentious debates among the major stakeholders. Although Jews and Christians believe in the same body of sacred scripts and stories, they do so in ways that appear to challenge each other. In reality, Jews and Christians share a history of the internal rivalry. For instance, in the ancient years, Christians experienced suffering from Jews concerning their stance believe in the New Testament. Today, the Christians view Judaism as a form of archaic religion. The primary difference is centred on the fact that Jews do not accept Jesus Christ as messiah and personal savior as Christians believe. As such, Jews and Christians must figure out how they should approach each other and enhance the conversation amid the rising rivalry and misunderstanding.
In the chapter “An Insider’s Perspective,” Jan Katzew emphasizes the universality and uniqueness of Judaism. The author explains how Jews focus on the covenantal relationship between God and Abraham. “The Moniker between Jew was never applied directly to Abraham or Sarah, but their identities originate Judaism and reverberate through Jew...
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