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Key Features of Buddhism in China

Essay Instructions:

Write an essay of 1,000-1,250 words that analyzes key issues in Chinese Popular Religion by addressing the following:

Briefly summarize key features of Chinese Popular Religion.

Describe key religious practices for an adherent of Chinese Popular Religion.

Describe the role of traditional Chinese religion in contemporary Chinese society.

Describe how the growth of Christianity and other religions have impacted contemporary Chinese society.

Through an understanding of Chinese popular religions, offer an example of how you think Christians might enhance their interactions within Chinese society.

A minimum of three academic resources is required.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

China is a multi-religion country with 15 percent of the people who are atheists while both Buddhism and Christianity consist of 185 and 33 million of believers. The other 12 million are Taoists. Religion is the guiding ideology of feudalism in the country and the people’s culture. Confucianism is the indigenous religion that captures the Chinese culture. However, China has Buddhism as the national belief. The different dynasties in the nation brought different religions with diverse spiritual culture. The majority of believers in China are Buddhists with the broadest influence. The minority of the people are Muslims. Buddhism began in China in 2,000 years ago in Han, Tibetan and South China. The religion mainly influenced arts, ideologies, and literature. Separately, the 39% of the intellectuals and business people in China are Buddhism believers.
Key features of Buddhism in China
Buddhism began in India by the Asian traders who later moved to China from and Buddhist monks in the first century A.D. the religion is the oldest foreign religion in China that emerged with Taoism and folk native religion. The first aspect of Buddhism was a quest for reaching the Enlightenment through meditation (Analytics, 2013). The doctrine was initiated by the Indian Prince Siddharta Gautama from the Shakya tribe while his religious name was Buddha. He influenced the Neo-Daoists Dynasties among the literate elite. Gautama began to preach his revelations from the forest which formed the main features of Buddhism. Therefore, the religion consists of the law of truth or Dharma, the eightfold paths, the immeasurable virtues, the three poisons and the three jewels (Analytics, 2013).
Regarding the four noble truths, Buddhism becomes a set of principles and practices that improve life with no faith. Such facts include life means suffering, the origin of suffering, the technique of ending suffering and the eightfold paths. Separately, the eightfold paths include the right view or the four noble truths (Analytics, 2013). The truths are followed by the right intention with renunciation that enhances resistance to desire, goodwill which is resistance to anger and aversion, and harmlessness that includes compassion. Furthermore, the eightfold encompasses right speech such as telling the truth, seizing from gossiping, and resistance to offensive language. Separately, the correct action or the precepts of refrain from harming living beings, refrain from taking free things, refrain from sexual misconduct, refrain from false speech and refrain from drug abuse (Analytics, 2013).
Elsewhere, the fifth fold is the right livelihood with avoidance of jobs that violate the precepts. Separately, the right effort fold encompasses prevention, elimination, and a decrease of the bad state as well as creating and preserving healthy status. The seventh fold is right mindfulness which requires clarity in observation of things. Lastly, Buddhism needs proper concentration with meditation and focus on wholesome thoughts and actions (Analytics, 2013).
The virtues in Buddhism entail the four immeasurable which include compassion, loving-kindness, empathetic joy, and equanimity. Regarding the three poisons, Buddhism highlights the roots of suffering such as craving, delusion, and anger that should be avoided. Lastly, the credo of Buddhism entails the three jewels involve Sangha, Dharma, and Buddha (Analytics, 2013).
Key religious practices for an adherent Buddhist
The key religious practices in Buddhism include the ancestor worship, or ancestor veneration is a Buddhism belief and ritual practice that a deceased member of a family continues to exist and takes interests in the world affairs and influences the fortune of the living people. Secondly, Buddhists usually incorporate prayers in the daily religious rituals, offerings especially at monastic in the morning, noon and night. Besides, the Buddhists value l...
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