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Historical and Geographical Connections Among Judaism, Christianity, and Islam

Essay Instructions:

Required Resources

Read/review the following resources for this activity:

Textbook: Chapter 8, 9, 10


Minimum of 6 scholarly sources (at least 2 for Judaism, 2 for Christianity, & 2 for Islam)

Please review criteria for scholarly sources.


In a short essay, complete the following:

Explain the historical relationship between Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. What are their geographical connections? What are their historical timelines?

Analyze the historical relationship between Judaism, Christianity, and Islam in order to make an argument about the similarities and differences between the three religions. Select one main example from the following list on which to focus your comparison: the nature of God, the nature of Jesus, Holy Books, or Salvation. Your analysis should span multiple paragraphs and utilize specific examples.

Conclude by examining the current relationship between Judaism, Christianity, and Islam today. How has globalization influenced or affected the current relationship?

Your paper should include an introduction and thesis that clearly states your central claim, thoughtful examples and analysis in your body paragraphs, and a conclusion to finalize your thoughts.

Writing Requirements (APA format)

Length: 1200-1400 words (not including title page or references page)

1-inch margins

Double spaced

12-point Times New Roman font

Title page

References page (minimum of 6 scholarly sources)


This activity will be graded based on the Written Assignment Grading Rubric.

Weekly Objectives (WO)

WO4.1, 4.2, 6.11-6.13, 7.3

Due Date: By 11:59 p.m. MT on Sunday


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are the most popular faith-based religious communities among an array of Abrahamic religions. They are known as Abrahamic because they all hold a central belief that Abraham was their first believer and father. Long before the first man ever believed that a single being reigned supreme over all others, people believed in a collection of gods that allegedly created life and sustained their livelihoods. The advent of Monotheism, brought about by a nomadic Hebrew group, ultimately gave rise to these three religious groups with the biggest adherents in the world.
Although there are very many differences that resulted from the evolution of these communities, many grounded similarities can also be traced. This paper seeks to explore the historical and geographical connections between Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, and therefore, critically analyze the differences and correspondences they exhibit.
Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
It is well noted in history books that the most revered prophet of all time, Abraham, inhabited the Palestinian shores of the Mediterranean Sea. All three groups believe in all this to be true up to this particular point. It is believed that God, the supreme maker of life, then reached out to this religious patriarch. This accentuated the beginning of the monotheistic belief that there was one God who was, is and will be greater than all gods. This was the start of Judaism, the belief that God had chosen the Jews as his people. They are dated from around 1200 B.C and have the laws in the five books of the Torah playing the principal role in their worship (Finkelstein, L. (1960).
Christian saints are also dated back to the eastern shores of the Mediterranean Sea. This further strengthens the claim that a lot of Christian tenets are borrowed from the basic structure of Judaism as laid out by Father Abraham. Although they started as a developed monotheistic form of Judaism, they became more recognized and free after Emperor Constantine accepted the religion and made it the official Roman state religion (Dowley, 1990). 
Islam, on the other hand, believes that Judaism and the subsequent Christianity were all earlier accounts of Islamic tradition, although time has made it more prone to alterations and human fabrications. They View their religion as the final and more strict version of what is Allah’s word to the human race. Like Christianity, they recognize earlier prophets like Abraham, Moses and Jesus Christ. (Bell, 2012). They believe that the Quran is the word of God, which categorically recognizes the Jews and Christians as people of the book. This mention is of great significance as far as recognizing the legitimacy of the connection of the three groups is concerned (Nasr, & Religionsphilosoph, 2003). 
The above chronology symbolizes firstly, the geographical connection between the three groups. It further explains their order of evolution and the fact that each group recognizes the existence of the other. This then compels us to appreciate that the groups hold more nexuses than initially thought. From the nature of God, the nature of Jesus, the Holy Books to salvation, comparisons can be drawn from the groups above. It is then important that for the importance of critical analysis, we narrow down the focus of this paper to the Nature of Jesus Christ.
Judaism and Jesus Christ
Believers of the Judaic religion accept the role of Jesus Christ only as a prophet of the lord. They, however, do not believe in his Messianic mission and the relevance of the same. They find views of the Trinity of God profanely and only believe in the absolute oneness of God. They hold that the coming of Jesus Christ is not yet, and factions of the group are going as far as labeling Jesus as an Imposter. Adherents of Judaism hold that God can ...
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