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Gender Inequality in Islam

Essay Instructions:
  • I want to argue that there is no gender Inequality in Islam. (So both genders are equal)
  • Please write a strong thesis statement (argumentative thesis)
  • Papers should be approx. 7 pages+ a title page +a reference page (letter-sized paper, Times NewRoman font 12 pt, double-spaced).
  • Support that argument with facts, not personal opinions, which will derive from the sources (at least five) you list in your bibliography using APA style.
  • My preferred sources are
    • Holy Quran
    • Hadith: a collection of traditions containing sayings of the prophet Muhammad
    • Articles
    • Novels
    • The rest 4 can be chosen by the writer
  • Please do not proceed in doing the assignment if you are not sure about a specific issue. I will be more than happy to answer any question you have.





Essay Sample Content Preview:

Final Research
When dealing with an Islamic topic one should clearly distinguish between diverse cultural practices among Muslims and their normative teachings. These may or may not coincide with their teachings. It is necessary to make a distinction between the legal opinions of scholars on critical Islamic issues and the primary sources such as the Qur’an and the Sunnah CITATION Jam02 \l 1033 (D, 2002). Interpretation of primary sources should consider the context of the Qur’an and the Sunnah. This is the general context and teachings of Islam, the context of surah and the general view of the world. It should also consider the occasion of the revelation and the role of the Sunnah in giving a clear concept and defining the Qur’an text.
Thesis Statement
This paper focuses on the equality that exists in Islam unlike popular opinion. It shall consider spiritual, political, and economic aspects with conclusive facts first from the Qur’an and other various sources. There is an in-depth analysis of the misconceptions people have for the Islamic religion, the Qur’an, the teachings of the prophet Muhammad, and the role of women and men in society. It researches deeper into the role and position of women in society and families because society perceives them as the inferior gender; therefore, this paper focuses more on them. Hence, it shows that there is no gender inequality in Islam.
Main Body
Spiritually; Many texts and verses in the Qur’an point that sexes as equal before God’s eyes. They should be partners in this life to worship and love God in this imperfect world CITATION Mus95 \l 1033 (League, 1995). According to the Qur’an, both genders have an equal human and spiritual nature.
Qur’an 7:19 and 4:1 specify the role of man and woman and their equality before God. They talk about how God made them from a "single person" and made them of equal nature. God made them both to be the recipients of the divine nature because they are of the same human and spiritual nature. Qur’an 15:29, says that God gave them equal facilities in breath, feeling, hearing, and sight. They would both be trustees of God on earth.
According to the Qur’an, it does not blame the woman for the fall of Adam and therefore, pregnancy and childbearing are not punishments from God for eating from the forbidden tree. Singling out one partner shows that the accused partner is inferior. The Qur’an considers them to be grounds for respect and love for mothers. The Qur’an does not single Eve out for blame but frequently refers to both of them. Qur’an 7:19-27 talks about the fall of man, and how God found them both at fault. On pregnancy and childbirth, Allah advocates for gratefulness to the woman for enduring the pain for God made her in such manner, Qur’an 46:15.
Both gender have the same religious and moral responsibilities and duties. If they do good or bad, there are consequences CITATION Mus95 \l 1033 (League, 1995). If they do righteous deeds and have faith, they will go to paradise and justice will be done unto them, Qur’an 4:124.
There is no place in the Qur’an does it say that one gender is superior to the other. Islam recognizes that while they are physically different, spiritually they are equal before God. The only differentiating factor is one’s piety/ practice. Therefore, it is not enough to have faith but to practice it. Faith of a Muslim has implications that are far reaching in all spheres of life and by them Allah judges equally CITATION Lei92 \l 1033 (Ahmed, 1992).
However, popular literature on women under Islamic law will confirm that there are conservative and traditionalist teachings that are common. Some people with no extensive knowledge of the Islamic religion do not understand the meaning of them or think that it gives right to people to treat women as inferior to men. They include; a)women cannot marry without her male guardian’s permission; b) that she cannot travel outside her city or country of residence without her male chaperone; c) that the witness of a woman is half a man’s; and d)that her inheritance is half of a man.
Those who support these rulings use a simplistic view of reading few Qur’an verses and reading them out of historical and scriptural context. Leading jurists with an understanding and generous view of the Sharia often present a good approach to the above issues. Good jurists will always prefer the Hanafi school of thought to the Sunni schools therefore, allowing a Muslim woman to marry the man of her choice without the need of permission from her male guardian CITATION DrU15 \l 1033 (Hasan, 2015).
One of the prophet’s wife told him that men seemed to dominate religious life. The prophet wrote a comprehensive verse in which he revealed that both men and women who are devout would get great reward and forgiveness, Qur’an 33:35. Many Hadith texts of the prophet state that a woman cannot travel on her own; other Hadith texts in addition to the Qur’an-chapter 60- state otherwise. Therefore, common sense will stipulate that issues of safety if guaranteed, religion will not have a problem with it CITATION Had \l 1033 (Hadeeth).
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