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Zionism and Judaism 101

Essay Instructions:

1) A graphic organizer of the eight assigned documents (worth 15 points)
2) An analysis chart grouping the documents into 2 or 3 groups with an explanation (worth 15 points)
3) A four- five paragraph essay that answers this prompt: (60 points)

Using the assigned documents and your knowledge of world history, compare and contrast the British, Nazi, Jewish and Muslim perspectives on the Zionist movement. Be sure to highlight the points of view and biases of the texts’ authors, as well as their intended audiences

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Religion 4
First Quarter Report
DBQ Essay on Zionism
Due: Sunday, October 14 by 11:59pm through Turnitin
According to Judaism 101 (), Zionism is a political movement to create and maintain a Jewish state. The word is derived from Zion, another name for Jerusalem and the movement was founded by Theodor Herzl and Chaim Weizmann.
In this Document Based Question Essay assignment, you will use the eight documents and your knowledge of world history to compare and contrast various perspectives on the Zionist movement. Each student will hand in three items through Turnitin:
Documents are attached separately but must be submitted as one complete document through Turnitin.
1) A graphic organizer of the eight assigned documents (worth 15 points)
2) An analysis chart grouping the documents into 2 or 3 groups with an explanation (worth 15 points)
3) A four- five paragraph essay that answers this prompt: (60 points)
Using the assigned documents and your knowledge of world history, compare and contrast the British, Nazi, Jewish and Muslim perspectives on the Zionist movement. Be sure to highlight the points of view and biases of the texts’ authors, as well as their intended audiences.
FORMAT: Your charts and essays should be submitted through Turnitin with a correct heading. The Essay should be 4-5 paragraphs depending on how you group the documents and for maximum points should use 6 or more of the 8 documents to support your argument.
The essay should be double-spaced in size 12 New Times Roman font, checked for errors in spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
Lateness: You will lose 10 points a day for each day the report is late, it will not be accepted after Thursday, 10/18, Day 4.
Attachments: The following documents must be part of the document submitted through Turnitin.
Religion 4 Period:
1. Zionism DBQ Graphic Organizer
Warmup Question: Which of these documents offers the most controversial understanding of the Zionist movement? Why? (You must answer this question)
Document #

Point of View

Main Message/Argument



The author proposes that German is at a good position of solving the Jewish question.

The argument is that the Jews who are living in Europe parts will lose their citizenship and German will be at a good position to receive the Jews so that they can stay in their land.

The audience are German citizens


That they will help Jews in establishing their own nation in Palestine.

That the United Kingdom will help the Zionist Federation in establishing their own nation in Palestine without any civil or political interference.

Leaders of the Zionist Federation


The writer of the poem yearns to be in their motherland.

The writer mentions how Zion is so near to them but they are not able to reach there since they are held as slaves in another country.

The audience is general in that the writer wrote the piece while in a foreign land.


The Jews are in suffering due to their waiting of the messiah.

He argues that the belief of the Jews in a messiah who would help them made them to be relaxed instead of fighting for their rights and freedoms.

The audience is Jews.


The Jews are indecisive whether ...
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