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Draw excerpts from Confucian or Taoist scriptures Religion Essay

Essay Instructions:

Topic 1

Draw excerpts from Confucian or Taoist scriptures.

Provide interpretations of the excerpts.

Use a personal experience or a historical event to illuminate what the excerpts mean to you.

Topic 2

Select a news report or article about religions, literature, science, medicine, business, education, etc. related to China. Provide its title, source (BBC, Economist, New York Times, etc.), web link/attached file, and publication date. It must have been published within the last 4 years.

Summarize the news report or article.

Talk about your opinions on the subject matter and provide supporting evidence.

Make connections with your study of China. Provide passages and page numbers from the textbook or the online readings.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Confucius Wisdom in ‘The Analects’
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Confucius Wisdom in ‘The Analects’
Excerpts 1
"Tzu-Kung said, 'What I do not want others to do to me, I have no desire to do to others.' The Master said, 'Oh Ssu! You have not quite got to that point yet." (Confucius, 2005, p. 110).
This excerpt revolves around the philosophy of reciprocity. Confucius discusses this concept more than once in the text. Various scholars value the excerpt as Golden Rule by weighing its universal importance as it is one of the primary religious teachings in most of the theologies around the world. In this excerpt, Confucius warns Tzu-Kung for his inability to get mastery over himself to state this claim. To understand the concept of reciprocity, his more significant concerns are goodness, kindness, and virtue are the qualities that Confucius claimed to be the most important. If a society is supposed to run at its ethical peak, it must develop these virtues and respectful behaviour for one another. In this way, malice cannot prove a temptation for society, according to philosophy.
Historical Event
In 1875, the Hawaiian kingdom and the USA signed a free-trade contract between the two countries. Following it, both the countries exchanged goods in a duty-free marketplace (Wong & Rayson, 1987). It was called the Reciprocity Treaty of 1875.
Excerpt 2
"When wind passes over the grass, it cannot choose but bend." (Confucius, 2005, p.168)
If you go for good, you will find goodness in people. Confucius, perhaps, is conveying wisdom to rulers symbolizing their moral development as the wind. The morality of people under governance is the grass. Hence, when the wind blows, the grass bends.
Historical Event
Maharaja Ranjit Singh, the Sikh empire leader at the beginning of the nineteenth century, is known to be one of the most outstanding history leaders. He is known as a uniting and modernizing force (Sharma, 2005). His desire was for good, and the people under his rule also became good. His sovereignty is credited as a golden age for Punjab, Hindustan.
Excerpt 3
"Small Man is fretful and ill at ease" (Confucius, 2005, p.131)
This quotation follows Confucius's argument about nobility, which brings ease and peace, while conservative people are always ill at ease. This quotation encompasses the moral philosophy of being broad-minded to live a peaceful life and avoid conformists' attitude to keep off fretfulness and illness of behaviour.
Historical Event
Before the USA's civil war movement, religion's influence was more profound than today, making many people conservative about it. In secular schools, the pleasures were banned for the students (McGuinness, 2013). Even a category of secular teachers, nam...
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