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Abortion-Right to Life vs. Choice Civility in Human Discourse

Essay Instructions:

list of topics: Abortion-Right to Life vs. Choice Civility in Human Discourse

Written Component:

*Written component will be worked on in class for class participation/homework points.

Two to three (2-3) paragraphs describing the significance of the topic area in current events, typed and double-spaced using Times New Roman font;

Written component must include:

why the topic is interesting, challenging, and/or provocative, and timely

a statement of the perceived educational value of the topic area for debaters

state the Catholic Moral Position

list a bibliography of selected readings and sources utilized

Can you offer the connection of these resources?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Abortion-Right to Life vs. Choice Civility
Student’s Name
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Abortion-Right to Life vs. Choice Civility
Abortion-Right to Life
Proponents of Right to Life argue that the government bears the mandate to preserve human life, irrespective of the quality of concern, viability, and intent (Sanger, 2016). The debate on abortion-right to life versus choice civility seeks to identify and elucidate the underlying concerns of abortion and come up with an effective human discourse. Some proponents of this argument are unwaveringly convinced of their views and have at times resulted in violence against the pro-choice citizens in reproductive health centers. To reconcile the afflicted parties, there is a need for amendment by the legislature to represent interests of both proponents and opponents of abortion.
The Roman Catholic Church holds the conviction that a fetus is human in all respects from the moment of conception. Therefore, abortion constitutes the killing of a member of the community (Shields, 2009). A member of the community is discerned as one who has a moral obligation for the good of the community. Abortion is, therefore, a violation of the fetus’s right to life (United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, 2018). The Catholic doctrine holds that an embryo is a creation of God and has human dignity, which makes abortion morally wrong. Fetuses are free of any wrongful deeds; hence there is no way one could justify killing them. The Catholic Church holds the argument that the initial developments of a person are equally as important as their subsequent developments; hence life should be respected equally from conception through subsequent growth.
Abortion-Choice Civility
Proponents of Choice Civility in abortion hold the perspective that individuals have the absolute autonomy of their reproductive health, provided they do not interfere with other people’s autonomy. They believe the legality of contraceptives, abortion, abstinence and celibacy, childbirth, and use of contraceptives in case of an emergency should be upheld. The key concerns in the Abortion-Right to Life versus Choice Civility debate emanate from the moral and ethical concerns of society. Advocates of the right to life ...
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