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What is More Important Compliance or Commitment?

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Military Leadership essay about what is more important compliance or commitment?

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What is More Important Compliance or Commitment
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What is More Important Compliance or Commitment
The military is an indispensable element of society. A society is only as prosperous as the forces that guard its interests. Rarely do contemporary sociologists, or the ancient thinkers explain human organizations without highlighting the significance of military power. Plato, for instance, depicted the soldiers as crucial to the wellbeing of the Republic. Therefore, the efficiency of the military is a necessary concern for respective administrations and patriots. The military leadership should formulate the most effective strategy to inspire the servicemen and servicewomen to attain the desired efficiency level. Thus, commitment is more viable than compliance in military management.
Commitment implies singular devotion to an occupation. This notion presumes that the contemporary practice of different professions diminishes effectiveness. In the Republic, shoemaking is identified as an art that necessitates committed attention. The text nonetheless comparatively regards the military service as more vital to the society than shoemaking, as depicted by the statement, “now nothing can be more important than that the work of a soldier should be well done.” (Plato, 2012, p.68). Efficiency in the context of commitment results from a constant attendance to the duties that pertain to the given occupation. Moreover, depicting the less crucial roles as requiring high levels of dedication implies that the vital military service warrants more devotion. 
A draught player cannot excel in the sport if he merely indulges it for recreational purposes. The text highlights that good draught skills are earned from years of dedication. Indeed, a player is barely expected to succeed if he has “not from his earliest years devoted himself to this and nothing else” (Plato, 2012, p.68). Military leadership should consider these insights to foster form...
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