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Proposal Process Worksheet 7-1 7-2: What Defines A Proposal?

Essay Instructions:

on the p[roposal process worksheet there should be 150 words for each of the three questions with 2 peer reviewed journal articles and the book all materials are added not to use any references pass 2005 in text citations . the two questions 7-1 and 7-2 please make 50 words each if one need more than the other than that is ok. 7-1 and 7-2 questions also in text citation with a reference page please be as detailed as you can all materials are added

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Proposal Report Process
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Proposal Report Process
Report proposal is a writing that provides a solution to a given problem or gives a direction in response to a given need.
What defines a proposal?
A proposal is a bid or offer to do some kind of project for a given organization. A proposal should have background information, recommendations, survey report, and feasibility report. But what defines a proposal report is the persuasion for approval, funding or granted permission to pursue the project. For a consultant firm proposals should be used as a tool to bring in businesses, while for an organization or government it should be used to bring in facilities that will help the agency grow. The proposal should carry a message that will persuade the audience of the proposal to weigh out if it is viable to approve the proposal, approve and hire your, or do both. In certain cases the proposal may sell the project they want to do, but in most cases a proposal should sell the writer or the organization writing the proposal (Wigginton, & Abecasis, 2005).
Different sections of proposal and how they are organized
Proposal structure differs from one proposal to another. Here the section provided are only the common sections that at least each proposal should contain. Some information may not be available in this context that should be in your proposal.
Introduction: Have a good plan for your proposal. Ascertain that it carries the message that the following paper is a proposal. Provide an insight contact with the audience, have a catchy statement that would urge the reader to read on and finally give an overview of the project.
Background information on the problem: Just after the introduction in this section tell about what brought the problem, what is the opportunity envision in prospect the project, and the basic situation.
The audience may have a clear understanding of the problem hence this section maybe obsolete. But in case it is unsolicited proposal this section is mandatory in order to express the problem explicitly hence providing the opportunity prospect of solving the problem.
Benefits and feasibility of the proposed project: You may explain the advantages of the project and also the chances that the project would succeed (O'Leary, 2013).
Work to be done on the project: Describes what the task is presented in order to accomplish the proposed project.
Schedule: Outlines the major progress achievement dates. Also included is the date of completion of the project.
The proposer qualifications: States the expertise capability of the proposer in order to let the audience to decide if the proposer is up to the task.
Requirements in term of resources and cost: Here a list of cost is made. This include hourly remuneration for the project team especially if it is an external project and resources required to facilitate the project progress.
Conclusion: This is to urge the proposal audience to get in touch in order to kick start the project.
Steps in data analysis and what to consider in your analysis
Question definition
Be precise and concise in your problem definition. Qualify or disqualify a prospect solution to your specific proposal project.
Be clear in your prioritized measurements
Consider the kind of data that is essential in helping you answer the question at hand. Also you have to include any reasonable objections that stakeholders may have. Then under this step decide on how to go about the measurement. Analysis your time frame, unit of measure and factors that should be included (Thompson, 2002).
Data collection
Collect any viable data at hand first. Define how to store and name the data to all team members to prevent the chances of collecting the same data twice. If gathering of the information is via observation or interview design a template prior to the data collection time. Final store your data in log with the date and source (Carl & Sheperis, 2017).
Analyze data
Manipulate your data if possible to better help you answer the question projected.
Data interpretation
Establish how your data answers the given question. Establish if t...
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