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Week 4 Presentation
Essay Instructions:
Imagine that you are a mediator, opening the mediation session. Produce a video of yourself delivering an Opening Statement to the disputants.
You have samples of opening statement language in your textbook, as well as the week’s resources. As with any assignment, while you are expected and encouraged to review the learning materials and reflect upon them as you prepare your work, you MUST NOT use these samples as a “script” to read rather than preparing your own work. Reflect on the materials and prepare your own opening statement using your voice. Reading a sample as a script, or rewording it line by line, does not demonstrate your knowledge or mastery of the material.
Textbook: Chapter 10, The Mediation Process, Christopher W. Moore
Textbook: Resource C (beginning page 607), The Mediation Process, Christopher W. Moore
I Don't Have the text book.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Opening Statement
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Opening Statement
Hello everyone! My name is…..and I will be leading this mediation today. Firstly, thank you all for agreeing to participate in this important meeting. As we begin, each party needs to understand the concept of mediation and why it is important in settling disputes such as this one. Mediation is a process that is both confidential and voluntary. Mediation is designed to allow the disputing parties to explore each of their interests, discuss the issues they are facing, and work toward an agreement that is acceptable to both parties.
As a mediator, I have specific roles that will help to ensure that this...
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