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Victim of Identity Theft

Essay Instructions:

APA not required should be in own words.

The use of outside sources is not expected, but if necessary than cite. Aslo, direct quotations from the book should be cited properly and not in excess.

Text book below

Victimology: A Text/Reader.(2018). 2e. Daigle, Leah E.Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc.

Answer question below

Discuss three actions that increase a person’s risk of being a victim of identity theft, and explain three behaviors that people can engage in to minimize their risk of identity theft victimization.

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Victim of Identity Theft
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Victim of Identity Theft
Daigle’s Victimology text delineates various actions that increase a person’s risk of being an identity theft victim. A suitable identity theft target can vary from an individual to an object. That said, a likely offender considers how easy it is for their prey and, in specific contexts, the object’s value. Daigle notes that routine activity constitutes one of the actions that increase identity theft risk. In this vein, routine activity theory holds that an individual or potential victim shows consistency in their behavioral inclinations, thus increasing their chances of being targets. Leading a party life also constitutes one of the actions that could increase an individual’s risk of identity theft. Potential victims are likely to spend partying lifestyles characterized by ...
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