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Variations in How Childrearing is Addressed Today

Essay Instructions:

In the following list, try to identify variations in how these issues are addressed today, according to culture, religion, or socioeconomic class. Please make note of how one's family dealth with this issue. Find or estate some example i.e someone from different cultural background and write about their experience.

The issues present in childrearing in various societies over time include such things as:

1. Education and socialization - Formal and informal education in the necessary tools for functioning in society has occured in a varity of ways.

2. Discipline - Are children taught or controlled? i.e some culture spanking is still being practice.

3. Affection - How and for how long are children shown affection?

4. Fathers - What role do fathers play in raising their children? How involved are they?

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As the world changes, everything on it changes as well. How parents disciplined and raised their children years ago differs from how they discipline and raise their children today. Childrearing will help them develop into good people has not changed, even though the methods of doing so have changed. The methods have changed according to the children’s needs and interests and society’s changes. Today, stereotypes have already been minimized. It is not the fathers who only work for the family, and it is not only the mother who will stay at home to look after the house and the children. Both parents can already take part in disciplining their children. In addition, the children’s behavior and mentality have also changed because of several factors, including societal, economic, and cultural changes. Therefore, childrearing practices have changed in the modern world.
One of the factors that affect childrearing is education. The education level a child receives depends on several variables; consequently, since there are variables that affect education, the result and the level of education also vary. A child may receive formal or informal education according to their social status. According to Golden et al. (2021), the ability and effort of students are becoming less important in determining a child’s education since the parents’ wealth and preferences are being regarded. For example, suppose a child comes from a wealthy family. In that case, that child is expected to attend a prestigious and high-quality school because their parents can afford it and want their kids to graduate from a top-notch institution. However, a child may attend public schools if they are from a low-income family. The two children aforementioned attend different schools and receive different education levels. The outcomes may vary as well. The child from wealthy families may struggle academically and personally if they waste the privilege bestowed by failing to study hard. The child from low-income families may succeed in the meantime if they persevere and work hard in school. Alternatively, they might change the scenarios depending on the kids and other factors. Therefore, education affects the way parents raise their children.
Parents now discipline their children in different ways. In the past, parents would discipline their kids the traditional way, which included nagging, spanking, hitting, menacing punishments, and other possible sanctions. Today’s parents have learned to listen to their children, though, as anxiety and depression are more common in children and teenagers. Today, parents are better equipped to discipline their kids in alternative ways than corporal discipline. Extinction, reward, punishment, and time-out are all methods of child disc...
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