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Unit 8 Discussion History of Psychology

Essay Instructions:
The cognitive-behavioral approach is widely used today as a form of therapy. It has elements of both behaviorism and cognitivism. Think about your chosen profession. Why would it be important to know about this approach as you work in your profession? What does it say about the two schools of thought? Do you think the cognitive-behavioral approach should be considered a separate school of thought? Or is it limited to therapy? Explain your answers and use at least two key concepts in your explanation.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Cognitive-Behavioral Approach Student Name Institution Course Name Instructor Date Cognitive-Behavioral Approach Behavioral analysts employing the cognitive-behavioral approach exhibit higher confidence. Self-assurance increases with increased self-awareness. Reducing anxiety creates a more relaxed and effective work setting. As a result, more robust relationships between colleagues have grown, and a few cases of absenteeism are due to mental health issues. The cognitive behavioral approach to psychotherapy aims to help clients examine and transform habitual negative beliefs so they can engage in constructive thought processes. The approach defines behaviorism as studying how controlled environmental changes affect behavior. Behavioristic teaching methods aim to influence the subject’s environment to affect the subject’s observable behavior (González-Prendes et al., 2021). Besides, cognitivism is a philosophy of learning that emphasizes how people receive and remember information, work through issues,...
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