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Unit 7 Discussion Ethics in ABA

Essay Instructions:
It is important to create a plan for supervision when you are responsible for supervising others. Your plan can include goals and measurement criteria for assessing skills. It is required that supervisors create a contract to sign with their supervisees that outlines the guidelines for supervision. This discussion board is all about Section 4 from the Ethics Code for Behavior Analysts, which discusses the responsibility to supervisors and supervises. Scenario Picture yourself embarking on your required supervised independent fieldwork. You have obtained a position with a local company that provides applied behavior analysis (ABA) services to those with diagnoses of autism and developmental disabilities. Discussion Describe Section 4: Responsibility to Supervisees and Trainees, and each of its codes. Discuss your supervisor’s responsibilities to you.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
BA Supervisor’s Responsibilities Name Institution Course and Code Professor Date BA Supervisor’s Responsibilities Section 4 of the “Ethics Code for Behavior Analysts” discusses the responsibility of behavior analyst (BA) supervisors toward trainees and supervisees. Notably, board-certified behavior analysts should adhere to the supervision requirements, they should be competent to supervise others, should take a number of trainees they can offer effective training and supervision, be accountable to their supervisory practices, maintain proper supervision documentation, and should provide training and supervision by complying with applicable requirements (BACB, 2020). These BAs should address diversity appropriately, monitor the performance of their supervisees, delegate tasks competently, facilitate supervision continuity, and terminate supervision by following the protocols laid down. Most importantly, they should evaluate their supervisory practices regularl...
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