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Unit 7 Assignment Ethics in ABA
Essay Instructions:
Ethics Codes
For this week’s assignment, you are playing the role of an experienced Board-Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) who has been working in the field for several years. The principal at Soundview Elementary School has called you to discuss a student in need of behavioral services. Because of the complex nature of working in public schools, and the nature of the behavior, you must consider your ethical responsibilities in taking on this case.
Ali is a 5-year-old child diagnosed with autism that engages in several problem behaviors in a public-school classroom setting. The current classroom includes one teacher, a teacher’s assistant, and a paraprofessional with 12 students in the class. This is a self-contained classroom, and all of the students in the classroom have various needs. Ali’s most severe problem behavior includes self-injurious behavior of hitting herself in the forehead. This behavior is often mild in magnitude but sometimes more forceful to the point that it leaves a mark. Currently, the behavior occurs about 15 times per day. Ali’s parents are concerned that this behavior may be causing headaches and other pain.
You have been hired by the school district to create a plan for Ali’s behavior and to train staff on the intervention. After observing the behavior, you meet with the principal and classroom teacher to discuss your findings. You notice that the behavior mostly occurs during group lessons or when the teacher is not attending to Ali. The function of the self-injurious behavior is hypothesized to be attention.
You determine that the most appropriate behavior intervention is a Differential Reinforcement of Other behaviors (DRO) procedure for the absence of head hitting. Since the function is hypothesized to be attention-seeking, you also believe that extinction should be combined with the DRO. You understand that there is a potential for an extinction burst in cases like Ali’s. Therefore, before proceeding, you want to make certain that you have informed consent from all relevant parties and that everyone involved is well trained in the intervention.
Assignment Directions
Using the Unit 7 Assignment Template, develop a professional PowerPoint presentation. Then, use Kaltura Capture to record a 5–10-minute video presentation that further supports the information on your slides as if you were presenting. Please read the assignment requirements for details on the guidelines and expectations.
To prepare for this assignment, refer to Sections 1 and 2 of the code to discuss your professional responsibility and your responsibility in practice in Ali’s case. Then, refer to Sections 3 and 4 to discuss your responsibility to your client(s), and your ethical responsibility to supervise and train the staff.
Please respond to the following:
Slide 1: Title Slide
Title of PowerPoint presentation, your name, course and section number, instructor name, and date.
Slide 2: Sections of the Ethics Code
Introduce yourself and describe, in detail, the case, your role in it, and the four relevant Sections of the Ethics Code for Behavior Analysts that you will be elaborating on.
Slides 3 & 4: Section 1
Identify the ethics code(s) from Section 1 that are relevant to the scenario.
Using specific information from the scenario, describe how the relevant code(s) apply to the situation.
Explain how you will ensure your adherence to the code(s).
Slides 5 & 6: Section 2
Identify the ethics code(s) from Section 2 that are relevant to the scenario.
Using specific information from the scenario, describe how the relevant code(s) apply to the situation.
Explain how you will ensure your adherence to the code(s).
Slides 7 & 8: Section 3
Identify the ethics code(s) from Section 3 that are relevant to the scenario.
Using specific information from the scenario, describe how the relevant code(s) apply to the situation.
Explain how you will ensure your adherence to the code(s).
Slides 9 & 10: Section 4
Identify the ethics code(s) from Section 4 that are relevant to the scenario.
Using specific information from the scenario, describe how the relevant code(s) apply to the situation.
Explain how you will ensure your adherence to the code(s).
Slides 11: Summary
Summarize the main points of your presentation.
Slide 12: References
Include a minimum of two scholarly, academic sources listed in APA format.
One should be your text, and the other should be the Ethics Code for Behavior Analysts.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Slides 1: Title Slide
Title of the PowerPoint Presentation
Your Name
Course and Section Number
Instructor Name
Slide 2: Sections of the Ethics Code
I am [Insert Your Name], an experienced Board-Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA). I provide behavioral professional services. My case involves a 5-year-old child, Ali, at Soundview Elementary School. Ali is autistic with problematic behaviors that disrupt her full participation in the classroom setting. The severe problem behavior is self-injurious, involving hitting herself in the forehead, which might occur even 15 times daily. The four key sections of the “Ethics Code for Behavior Analysts” that I will elaborate on include:
1 Section 1: Professional Responsibility.
2 Section 2: Practice Responsibility.
3 Section 3: Stakeholders’ and Clients’ Responsibility.
4 Section 4: Trainees’ and Supervisees’ Responsibility (BACB, 2020).
Slides 3 & 4: Section 1: Professional Responsibility
The ethics codes that are relevant to Ali’s scenario include:
* Being truthful – This code will enable me to remain truthful to Ali, her family, and the school. In addition, it will facilitate creating and maintaining a professional environment to foster good behaviors in Ali (BACB, 2020).
* Accountability – Throughout my work commitment with Ali, I will be accountable for my services and actions. This code is relevant to ensure that I help Ali by engaging in relevant activities.
* Conforming to professional and legal requirements – I will ensure compliance with the law and professional requirements when finding a solution for Ali to stop self-injurious behavior.
* Self-reporting critical information – This code is relevant to Ali’s scenario since it will enhance the reporting of crucial information to relevant entities, including Ali’s parents and Soundview Elementary School’s principal, by adhering to the established protocols.
I will ensure adherence to the above codes by doing the following:
* I will report Ali’s progress to the school, parents, and her educators.
* I will maintain Ali’s record, which will only be shareable with relevant entities.
* I will comply with legal and BACB requirements that determine how I will interact with Ali.
* Moreover, I will be accountable for the outcome, which is why I will do my best to see that Ali has reduced the times or stopped her problematic behavior of hitting herself in the forehead since might cause headaches.
Sections 5 & 6: Section 2: Practice Responsibility
In Ali’s context, the relevant ethics codes from this section are:
* Offering effective treatment – The reason Soundview Elementary School’s principal reached out to a professional behavior analyst is because Ali needs help to stop self-injurious behavior. This code is essential since it prioritizes effective service delivery without compromising the client’s rights.
* Disclosing confidential information – Ali’s situation is critical and her information should only be disclosed to relevant entities only when there is informed consent, protecting the client from harm, through a court order, to prevent crime, and when addressing contractual issues (Sellers, Alai-Rosales, & MacDonald, 2016).
* Protecting and retaining documentation – At thi...
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