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Unit 4 Discussion Exceptional Needs Children

Essay Instructions:
Parameters of Punishment and Ethical Considerations Unit 4 explored the parameters of punishment and the importance of considering ethics when choosing behavior change procedures. Read the BACB Code of Ethics and identify the codes that align with punishment. Watch the Unit 4 lecture: Unit 4 Discussion Board Lecture Hi everyone and welcome to the Unit 4 lecture for Exceptional Needs Children. This unit we will be discussing ethical considerations and parameters of punishment. We will look at ethics as well as exhausting reinforcement options prior to two, suggesting punishment. Also, we will discuss positive and negative punishment. Well first, what is punishment? So, this word definitely has a bad connotation. And it's important to understand that although punishment decreases behavior, not all punishment is bad. It's important that we recognize punishment so that we can identify what's happening and explore the behavioral contingencies. Punishment. Well, before we get started, let's talk about what punishment is. Punishment is something that is added or taken away that decreases the future frequency of behavior. Something added like an aversive stimulus, a spank, a reprimand, or something taken away, like a preferred item, a privilege. There are a variety of different punishers. Timeout as an example, correction, spanking, removing privileges, adding reprimand over correction., and more. Those of you that have had experience or have heard of token economy systems before. Response cost is another example of a punishment if you remove a token from the board. This is a punishment. Some things are punishers that we don't necessarily realize off the bat as we explore these situations and realize if it decreases behavior, it's a punisher. We might be surprised at how many punishers are involved in our day-to-day lives and how many we maybe have used before. For example, with positive punishment, with adding something to the environment--this could be something as a reprimand—even something such as saying no—if a child is in danger. Now we may not view this as a punishment in our head since punishment has a negative connotation. But once we recognize that we are adding a reprimand, and if the child stops from running into the street, for example, then we can conclude that that contingency was a punisher for negative punishment. If we are removing any preferred item, that is it punishment. So if a child is hitting another student and they're holding on to their preferred item like a tablet. And the teacher walks over and removes the tablet from the student and the hitting stops, then they give it back. That was a negative punishment example. And then at the end, that contingency ended with a positive reinforcer. So first, removing the item, decrease the hitting, and then they were immediately reinforced for the hitting that stopped. So it's important to recognize when these punishments scenarios are occurring so that we can intervene. Punishment is not the most preferred method of intervention when evaluating behavior, it is important to understand punishment contingencies so that we can identify historical patterns of behavior. We want to know has her behavior been punished in the past. Maybe it is a child all of a sudden stopped responding and answering questions in class. Maybe their behavior was punished before, and that's why we can identify the punishment contingency. We can recognize what has happened in the past. It's important to recognize when punishment is being used and appropriately so that we can advocate for our students. This is where ethics come in. If we understand the ethical considerations, there might be a time when you are faced with the situation where the person that you are consulting with, or training is using a punishment procedure incorrectly. We can recognize that that's what's happening. We can know to recommend reinforcement strategies and intervene and make suggestions. Before ever suggesting a punishment intervention, it is important to exhaust all reinforcement options first, punishment is always a last resort. After exhausting all reinforcement options, it might be necessary to implement a punishment procedure in combination has to be in combination with a reinforcement procedure. Always, always weigh your pros and cons before suggesting a punishment intervention. If it involves keeping a child safe, like response blocking, that is important, and we might need to consider implementing a punishment as long as it's always combined with reinforcement. Thank you for viewing this lecture. What are important considerations in regards to punishment? Discuss why it is important to always exhaust all reinforcement options prior to suggesting a punishment intervention. Write one classroom-based example where it would be appropriate to implement a punishment procedure. Be sure to include a reinforcement strategy to go along with your example. Complete your discussion this week by responding to multiple peer posts. Comment on their discussion of the important considerations in regard to punishment. Add thoughts related to their classroom-based example where it would be appropriate to implement a punishment procedure.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Punishment and Reinforcement Name Institution Course Code and Title Instructor Date Punishment and Reinforcement The first important consideration regarding punishment is using less punishment. A behavior analyst should find other methods to resolve the issue; punishment should be the last resort. Another consideration is trying to understand the reason for certain behaviors. Before any punishment is administered, the behavior analyst should find the root cause of the behavior so that they can try to solve it without instilling any punishment, if possible (Pokorski et al.,2021). The last consideration is understanding what should necessarily be done. Punishment should be reinforced by a person who properly understands what they are doing, someone who understands behaviorism, and someone who can be able to respond to a specific behavior. It is essential to alway...
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