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Understanding Psychology

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Multiple -choice questions

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Psychology Exam 4 (Chapters 12, 13 and 14)
1 Ellie is a graduate student in psychology at the local university. She is interested in one day specializing in the study of abnormal behavior. What area of psychology should she focus on in school?
1 health psychology
2 psychopathology
3 psychobiology
4 developmental psychology
5 school psychology
2 Gigi, who has schizophrenia, believes that she was sent by God to one day rule the world. Her belief is an example of a(n)
1 phobia.
2 delusion.
3 alogia.
4 hallucination.
5 clang association.
3 The psychological view sees mental disorders as an interaction of biological, behavioral, cognitive, __________, and __________ factors.
a) social; psychological
1 developmental; social-cultural
2 social; societal
3 societal; genetic
4 genetic; societal
4 During the Middle Ages, authorities involved in the Inquisition viewed mental illness as due to
1 genetics.
2 an imbalance of humors.
3 brain structure abnormality.
4 unconscious conflicts.
5 the Devil.
5 The view that mental disorders are diseases of the mind that have objective causes and require specific treatment is known as the
a) clinical model.
5 diathesis view.
6 medical model of mental disorder.
7 psychodynamic model.
8 psychotrauma model.
6 Physicians trained in the medical model of mental disorder are most likely to treat their patients by
1 teaching about stress reduction.
2 probing their unconscious.
3 asking about patients’ self-esteem.
4 exploring the patients’ childhood.
5 prescribing medications.
7 A behavioral therapist is working with a depressed client. Which of the following causes is the most likely focus of this therapist’s intervention?
a) learned behaviors of depression
9 unusual levels of neurotransmitters
10 negative interpretations of life events
a superego that is too harsh and strict
hiding from one’s own feelings and experiences
8 The cognitive perspective views ________ as key factors in mental disorder.
a) how we perceive, feel, think, and remember .
our unconscious influences
our search for self-actualization
chemical imbalances
9 Dr. Nwoambi is a psychologist who is currently evaluating a new client. Dr. Nwoambi would most likely refer to the _________ to assist her in diagnosing her client’s psychological disorder.
a) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)
Physician’s Desk Reference (PDR)
Textbook of Psychological Disorders (TPD)
Textbook of Physiological Disorders (TPD)
The International Pathology Reference Index (IPRI)
10 ________ has been referred to as the “common cold” of psychological problems.
1 Anxiety
2 Depression
3 A personality disorder
4 An eating disorder
5 Alcohol abuse
Which of the following is Mayberg’s explanation for depressive disorders?
a) Depression is a result of learned helplessness.
1 Depression results when a person turns his or her anger inward on oneself.
2 Depression is a result of distortions in thinking.
3 Depression results from the brain’s mood-regulating circuitry, external stresses, and biological vulnerability.
4 Depression is a result of a lack of self-acceptance and unconditional positive regard.
A person suffering with major depressive disorder with seasonal pattern would be expected to be most depressed when
1 it is nighttime.
2 there is a full moon.
3 they travel to the South.
4 their sleep has been interrupted by noise.
5 it is winter.
A person who feels euphoric and hyperactive may be experiencing
a) a panic attack.
a manic episode.
a fugue.
illness anxiety disorder.
Leo worries all of the time. He worries about his money, his children, and his dog. His muscles are always tense and sore, he has trouble sleeping, is often irritable, and has difficulty concentrating. Leo’s symptoms sound most like ________ disorder.
a) panic
generalized anxiety
a dissociative
illness anxiety
Darcy is sitting at her desk in her office one day when, without warning, her heart begins racing rapidly, she has a sensation of being “out of her body,” and she experiences dulled vision and hearing, rapid breathing, and sweating. She thinks she is having a heart attack. Nothing she is doing seems to have caused such an episode. Her symptoms MOST resemble
a) a phobia.
a panic attack.
posttraumatic stress.
an affective disorder.
a dissociative disorder.
Your aunt has a fear that makes it difficult for her to leave her home and to be out in public and open spaces. She feels trapped and is unable to work or engage in any kind of activity that requires going outside of her home. You are not surprised when you find out your aunt is diagnosed with
1 trypanophobia.
2 odontophobia.
3 agoraphobia.
4 a specific phobia.
5 autophobia.
What is the main difference between generalized anxiety disorder and phobic disorder?
1 Phobic disorder is linked to specific triggers, while generalized anxiety disorder is not linked to a specific trigger.
2 Generalized anxiety disorder is linked to a specific trigger, while phobic disorder is not linked to a specific trigger.
3 Generalized anxiety disorder is more common in women, and phobic disorder is more common in men.
4 Generalized anxiety disorder is more common in adults, while phobic disorder is more common in children.
5 Generalized anxiety disorder involves hyperactive serotonin receptors in the brain, while a phobic disorder involves hypoactive serotonin receptors in the brain.
Each day, while Sid is sitting at his desk at work, he continually thinks about germs. Each time this occurs, he washes his hands. Sid probably suffers from
a) agoraphobia.
panic disorder.
generalized anxiety disorder.
obsessive-compulsive disorder.
bipolar disorder.
Jaci has just become blind. The fact that there is no physical reason for this suggests that Jaci may be suffering from
1 conversion disorder.
2 observer discomfort.
3 panic disorder.
4 generalized anxiety disorder.
5 physical paranoia.
A key common element among different forms of therapy such as psychoanalysis, behavioral therapy, and drug therapy is a relationship that focuses on
1 improving mental, behavioral, or social functioning.
2 reinforcing existing behavioral patterns.
3 removing the patient from existing social networks.
4 discovering the unconscious reasons behind behaviors.
5 There is no common element.
A professional following the ________ approach to treatment would refer to a person seeking help as a “patient.”
1 humanistic
2 psychoanalytic
3 behavioral
4 cognitive
5 medical
The most important aspect of successful psychotherapy is the ________ between client and therapist.
1 therapeutic alliance
2 transference
3 mindfulness
4 authenticity
5 unconditional positive regard
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