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Understanding Children's Way of Communication

Essay Instructions:

Your task for this assignment is to write an advice column for parents, much like what you'd read on a blog or in a parenting magazine.

To complete this assignment, you will answer one parent's question and read over the articles provided to support your recommendations. You will choose only 4 articles as the basis for your advice column.

When writing, you will offer specific advice using the findings from the articles you chose to support your recommendations.

In your submission:

• Use an introductory/thesis statement to frame the parents’ question and to preview your conclusion.

• Summarize & synthesize the findings from each of your studies. Explain the research and findings for each of the 4 studies in everyday language to provide a foundation for your recommendations.

• Recommend solutions to the parent that are based on the research you reviewed. Think about what specific recommendations the studies you reviewed support, and provide specific, directive advice to the parent who has written to you for advice (e.g. Worried in Walnut Creek).

• Use APA style references in-text and include a References page

Grading will be based on the quality of the content as well as writing quality and writing style.

The expected length is about 3-4 pages (double spaced), You will also include an additional page for references, for a total of approximately 4-5 pages.

I will attach the rubric and articles related to the questions (there will be more than 4 articles to choose from, but choosing 4 are adequate to write this paper), and the sample paper in the attachment section.


The question I chose is as follows:

My baby’s pediatrician told us that I should start reading to her, but it feels kind of silly because she can’t talk yet and doesn’t even seem to understand what I say. Is there really a good reason to start reading to babies? Does reading to babies and little kids really help them learn? Is there anything I can do during reading to help her learn more now or even when she is older? -Reading in Redding

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Dear Reading in Redding,
Every living organism has a way of communicating its needs and responding to environmental changes. Children, as living organisms, also communicate in various ways since they cannot talk. As a parent, it is your responsibility to understand what your child means in his or her way of communication. Pediatricians recommend that parents start reading their children. Reading your child helps you understand his or her needs and expectations. It also you know what your child likes and dislikes for proper development. Reading to babies introduces them to a new way of communicating their needs. By reading to them, you teach them how to express themselves. Other benefits of reading to children include a faster grasping of language by kids, better bonding avenue for parents with their little ones, supported cognitive development, sped up language and communication skills, increased concentration, and advanced creative and imagination abilities, among many others. As you read to them, you need to relate what you are reading to things they already know. Utilizing such an approach will help them identify objects by relating them to what they already know. Therefore, you are supposed to begin by first understanding the language your child uses to communicate. Secondly, your reading should link to your child's language to help them understand what you mean.
An excellent approach that you can use for effective reading to your child is shared book reading. As Blewitt and Langan (2005) note, the practice is a beneficial method of word learning during children's early years of development. The success of shared book reading exercises depends on how you can capture your child's interest and attention for the longest time. As Blewitt and Langan suggest, you always need to provide prompt, contingent, and appropriate feedback to your child. You should ensure that you provide positive comments and responses, such as answering questions or even repeating a word, as it encourages them to learn continuously. When they make an error, you should carefully correct it to feel positive and want to continue, avoid bashing them hence demoralizing them. In the research, when the reader's extra-textual talk was designed to be more engaging, the outcome was more successful. That is exactly what you want to remember while helping the kids.
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